One of the seven principles of data protection by design is Functionality - Positive-Sum, not Zero-Sum. What is the essence of this principle?
Applied security standards must assure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal data throughout their lifecycle. Incorrect. This is an aspect of End-to-End Security - Lifecycle Protection, one of the other six basic principles.
If different types of legitimate objectives are contradictory, the privacy objectives must be given priority over other security objectives. Incorrect. Data protection by design rejects the idea that privacy competes with other interests, design objectives, and technical capabilities.
When embedding privacy into a given technology, process, or system, it should be done in such a way that full functionality is not impaired. Correct. This is the essence. (Literature: A, Chapter 8; GDPR Article 25)
Wherever possible, detailed privacy impact and risk assessments should be carried out and published, clearly documenting the privacy risks. Incorrect. This is an aspect of Privacy Embedded into Design, one of the other six basic principles.
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