Exam Name: Enterprise Geodata Management Associate 10.5
Related Certification(s): Esri Enterprise Geodata Management Associate Certification
Certification Provider: Esri
Number of EGMA105 practice questions in our database:
(updated: 09-06-2021)
Expected EGMA105 Exam Topics, as suggested by Esri :
- Topic 1: Explain workflows and the impact of each on the geodatabase/ Understand platform licensing levels
- Topic 2: Identify the upgrade requirements for an enterprise geodatabase/ Demonstrate a firm understanding of the ArcGIS platform
- Topic 3: Know what is required of data to publish as an ArcGIS Enterprise service/ Given a design, build and test a geodatabase, including spatial and attribute data validation
- Topic 4: Knowledge of and experience in using ArcGIS Help documents, blogs, and tutorials/ Demonstrate an understanding of ArcGIS Pro
- Topic 5: Perform data access management (privileges, data access loading, and connecting)/ Know available web mapping apps
- Topic 6: Demonstrate knowledge of installed resources (Help/documentation)/ Manage the data within the geodatabase
- Topic 7: Explain basic installation and configuration of the geodatabase/ Perform basic geodatabase maintenance
- Topic 8: Demonstrate the ability to complete a basic installation workflow and demonstrate knowledge of the components of a completed installation
- Topic 9: Explain the system requirements of Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) for use with ArcGIS products
- Topic 10: Know how to prepare the data for online/offline use/ Authorize a geodatabase with both keycodes and/or an .ecp file
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