A GIS analyst needs to track feature class changes and keep the reconcile, post, and compress processes separate from the replica synchronization process.
What should the analyst do?
To track feature class changes while keeping the reconcile, post, and compress processes separate from the replica synchronization process, the best approach is to create a one-way replica using the archive option on Default.
1. Why Use a One-Way Replica on Default?
One-Way Replication:
Sends data changes from the parent (Default version) to the child geodatabase, ensuring that synchronization does not interfere with the parent geodatabase's versioning operations.
Archive Option:
Archiving captures all changes to the feature class, providing a history of edits without requiring versioning in the replica.
2. Why Choose the Default Version?
Using the Default version as the parent ensures that all reconciled and posted changes are synchronized to the replica, making the synchronization independent of ongoing versioning workflows in the geodatabase.
3. Why Not Other Options?
Create a One-Way Replica Using the Archive Option on a Child Version of Default:
Replicating from a child version complicates workflows because the child version must be reconciled and posted to Default before updates are reflected in the replica.
Create a Two-Way Replica Using the Archive Option on Default:
Two-way replication synchronizes changes in both directions. This would integrate changes from the child geodatabase into Default, interfering with the reconciliation and posting processes.
Steps to Create the Replica:
Ensure archiving is enabled for the feature classes in the Default version.
Use the Create Replica tool in ArcGIS Pro and select One-Way Replication.
Configure the replica to include the archive option.
Synchronize the replica as needed without affecting versioning processes in the parent geodatabase.
Reference from Esri Documentation and Learning Resources:
One-Way Replication Overview
Geodatabase Archiving
To track changes while separating reconcile, post, and compress processes from synchronization, the GIS analyst should create a one-way replica using the archive option on Default.
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