Exam Name: Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE) JAVA
Related Certification(s): Eccouncil Certified Application Security Engineer Certification
Certification Provider: Eccouncil
Number of 312-96 practice questions in our database:
47 (updated: Feb. 13, 2025)
Expected 312-96 Exam Topics, as suggested by Eccouncil :
- Topic 1: Understanding Application Security, Threats, and Attacks: For application developers, security professionals, and IT managers, this section covers the fundamentals of application security, common threats, and attack vectors. It provides an overview of the importance of secure application development and the potential risks associated with vulnerable applications.
- Topic 2: Security Requirements Gathering: For project managers, business analysts, and security architects, this domain focuses on identifying and documenting security requirements early in the software development lifecycle. It emphasizes the importance of integrating security considerations into the initial planning stages of application development.
- Topic 3: Secure Application Design and Architecture: For software architects, system designers, and senior developers, this part of the exam covers principles of secure application design and architecture. It includes topics such as threat modeling, secure design patterns, and architectural risk analysis to build security into the foundation of applications.
- Topic 4: Secure Coding Practices for Input Validation: For software developers and quality assurance professionals, this section examines techniques for properly validating and sanitizing user input to prevent common vulnerabilities such as injection attacks, cross-site scripting (XSS), and buffer overflows.
- Topic 5: Secure Coding Practices for Authentication and Authorization: For application developers and identity management specialists, this domain covers implementing robust authentication mechanisms and proper authorization controls. It includes topics like secure password storage, multi-factor authentication, and access control models.
- Topic 6: Secure Coding Practices for Cryptography: For developers and security engineers, this part of the exam focuses on the correct implementation of cryptographic functions in applications. It covers topics such as encryption, hashing, key management, and secure random number generation.
- Topic 7: Secure Coding Practices for Session Management: For web developers and application security professionals, this section addresses secure session handling techniques to prevent session-related vulnerabilities such as session hijacking, fixation, and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).
- Topic 8: Secure Coding Practices for Error Handling: For software developers and quality assurance testers, this domain covers proper error handling and logging practices to prevent information leakage and maintain application stability without compromising security.
- Topic 9: Static and Dynamic Application Security Testing (SAST & DAST): For security analysts, quality assurance professionals, and penetration testers, this part of the exam explores various techniques and tools for identifying security vulnerabilities in applications, including both static code analysis and dynamic runtime testing methodologies.
- Topic 10: Secure Deployment and Maintenance: For system administrators, DevOps engineers, and security operations professionals, this section covers best practices for securely deploying applications, managing updates, and maintaining the security posture of applications throughout their lifecycle.
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