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Eccouncil Exam 312-85 Topic 4 Question 24 Discussion

Actual exam question for Eccouncil's 312-85 exam
Question #: 24
Topic #: 4
[All 312-85 Questions]

Tim is working as an analyst in an ABC organization. His organization had been facing many challenges in converting the raw threat intelligence data into meaningful contextual information. After inspection, he found that it was due to noise obtained from misrepresentation of data from huge data collections. Hence, it is important to clean the data before performing data analysis using techniques such as data reduction. He needs to choose an appropriate threat intelligence framework that automatically performs data collection, filtering, and analysis for his organization.

Which of the following threat intelligence frameworks should he choose to perform such task?

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Suggested Answer: C

Threat Grid is a threat intelligence and analysis platform that offers advanced capabilities for automatic data collection, filtering, and analysis. It is designed to help organizations convert raw threat data into meaningful, actionable intelligence. By employing advanced analytics and machine learning, Threat Grid can reduce noise from large data sets, helping to eliminate misrepresentations and enhance the quality of the threat intelligence. This makes it an ideal choice for Tim, who is looking to address the challenges of converting raw data into contextual information and managing the noise from massive data collections. Reference:

'Cisco Threat Grid: Unify Your Threat Defense,' Cisco

'Integrating and Automating Threat Intelligence,' by Threat Grid

Contribute your Thoughts:

10 days ago
I agree with Bette, Threat Grid seems like the best option for data collection and analysis.
upvoted 0 times
13 days ago
I think Tim should choose Threat Grid.
upvoted 0 times
19 days ago
Threat grid seems like the obvious choice here. It's designed specifically for cleaning up raw threat data and providing meaningful analysis.
upvoted 0 times

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