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Eccouncil Exam 312-50 Topic 1 Question 84 Discussion

Actual exam question for Eccouncil's 312-50 exam
Question #: 84
Topic #: 1
[All 312-50 Questions]

You are the lead cybersecurity analyst at a multinational corporation that uses a hybrid encryption system to secure inter-departmental communications. The system uses RSA encryption for key exchange and AES for data encryption, taking advantage of the strengths of both asymmetric and symmetric encryption. Each RSA

key pair has a size of 'n' bits, with larger keys providing more security at the cost of slower performance. The time complexity of generating an RSA key pair is O(n*2), and AES encryption has a time complexity of O(n). An attacker has developed a quantum algorithm with time complexity O((log n)*2) to crack RSA encryption. Given *n=4000' and variable 'AES key size', which scenario is likely to provide the best balance of security and


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Suggested Answer: A

A hybrid encryption system is a system that combines the advantages of both asymmetric and symmetric encryption algorithms. Asymmetric encryption, such as RSA, uses a pair of keys: a public key and a private key, which are mathematically related but not identical. Asymmetric encryption can provide key exchange, authentication, and non-repudiation, but it is slower and less efficient than symmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption, such as AES, uses a single key to encrypt and decrypt data. Symmetric encryption is faster and more efficient than asymmetric encryption, but it requires a secure way to share the key.

In a hybrid encryption system, RSA encryption is used for key exchange, and AES encryption is used for data encryption. This way, the system can benefit from the security of RSA and the speed of AES. However, the system also depends on the key sizes of both algorithms, which affect the security and performance of the system.

The key size of RSA encryption determines the number of bits in the public and private keys. The larger the key size, the more secure the encryption, but also the slower the key generation and encryption/decryption processes. The time complexity of generating an RSA key pair is O(n*2), where n is the key size in bits. This means that the time required to generate an RSA key pair increases quadratically with the key size. For example, if it takes 1 second to generate a 1024-bit RSA key pair, it will take 4 seconds to generate a 2048-bit RSA key pair, and 16 seconds to generate a 4096-bit RSA key pair.

The key size of AES encryption determines the number of bits in the symmetric key. The larger the key size, the more secure the encryption, but also the more rounds of encryption/decryption are needed. The time complexity of AES encryption is O(n), where n is the key size in bits. This means that the time required to encrypt/decrypt data increases linearly with the key size. For example, if it takes 1 second to encrypt/decrypt data with a 128-bit AES key, it will take 2 seconds to encrypt/decrypt data with a 256-bit AES key, and 4 seconds to encrypt/decrypt data with a 512-bit AES key.

An attacker has developed a quantum algorithm with time complexity O((log n)*2) to crack RSA encryption. This means that the time required to break RSA encryption decreases exponentially with the key size. For example, if it takes 1 second to break a 1024-bit RSA encryption, it will take 0.25 seconds to break a 2048-bit RSA encryption, and 0.0625 seconds to break a 4096-bit RSA encryption. This makes RSA encryption vulnerable to quantum attacks, unless the key size is very large.

Given n=4000 and variable AES key size, the scenario that is likely to provide the best balance of security and performance is C. AES key size=192 bits. This configuration is a compromise between options A and B, providing moderate security and performance. Option A, AES key size=128 bits, provides less security than option C, but RSA key generation and AES encryption will be faster. Option B, AES key size=256 bits, provides more security than option C, but RSA key generation may be slow. Option D, AES key size=512 bits, provides the highest level of security, but at a significant performance cost due to the large AES key size.

Hybrid cryptosystem - Wikipedia

RSA (cryptosystem) - Wikipedia

Advanced Encryption Standard - Wikipedia

Quantum computing and cryptography - Wikipedia

Contribute your Thoughts:

8 months ago
Quantum algorithm? That's like something straight out of a sci-fi movie. I'm going with option C, just to be on the safe side.
upvoted 0 times
8 months ago
Hold up, did they just say 'quantum algorithm'? I hope they have a plan for that, or else we're all doomed!
upvoted 0 times
6 months ago
Leslie: But RSA key generation might be slow with that configuration.
upvoted 0 times
6 months ago
Chan: I think option B with AES key size of 256 bits provides high security.
upvoted 0 times
7 months ago
We need to choose the right AES key size to balance security and performance.
upvoted 0 times
7 months ago
Yeah, they mentioned a quantum algorithm for cracking RSA encryption.
upvoted 0 times
8 months ago
Personally, I'd go for option A. Gotta keep those processors humming, you know? Slow is a no-go in my book.
upvoted 0 times
8 months ago
I'm with Meghann on this one. Better safe than sorry, am I right?
upvoted 0 times
7 months ago
Yeah, but won't the performance take a hit with such a large AES key size?
upvoted 0 times
7 months ago
I agree with Meghann, let's go with option D for maximum security.
upvoted 0 times
8 months ago
I agree with Gearldine. Even though RSA key generation may be slow, the high level of security with 256-bit AES key size is worth it.
upvoted 0 times
8 months ago
Option B all the way! Who cares about a little slowdown when you've got that sweet, sweet security?
upvoted 0 times
8 months ago
I think option B with AES key size=256 bits would provide the best balance of security and performance.
upvoted 0 times
9 months ago
Hmm, I think option C is the way to go. It strikes a nice balance between security and performance.
upvoted 0 times
7 months ago
Yeah, option C provides a decent level of security without sacrificing too much performance.
upvoted 0 times
8 months ago
I agree, option C seems like a good compromise.
upvoted 0 times
8 months ago
Yeah, it's important to find that balance between security and performance.
upvoted 0 times
8 months ago
Option C it is then, moderate security with decent performance.
upvoted 0 times
8 months ago
Yeah, it's important to find that balance between security and performance.
upvoted 0 times
8 months ago
I agree, option C seems like the best choice for our encryption system.
upvoted 0 times
8 months ago
I agree, option C seems like a good compromise.
upvoted 0 times
8 months ago
Yeah, option C with AES key size of 192 bits seems like a balanced choice.
upvoted 0 times
8 months ago
I agree, option C seems like a good compromise between security and performance.
upvoted 0 times

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