Can a DSCI Certified Lead Assessor for Privacy, not currently an employee of a DSCI Accredited Organization, conduct external assessment leading to DSCI Privacy certification?
Guys, we're overthinking this. It's a simple true or false question. I'm going with B) False. An external assessor can't do the certification, end of story.
Hmm, I see both sides of the argument here. But ultimately, I think the credibility of the certification process is more important than who conducts the assessment. As long as the assessor is qualified, it shouldn't matter if they are an employee or not.
Haha, I love how passionate we're all getting about this. It's like a battle of wits up in here! But seriously, I think we need to focus on the rules and regulations, not our personal opinions.
I disagree. I think as long as they are certified, they should be able to perform the assessment, even if they aren't employed by the organization. It's about their expertise, not their employment status.
Well, if the DSCI Certified Lead Assessor for Privacy is not an employee of the DSCI Accredited Organization, then I would say that they can't conduct the external assessment. That would be a conflict of interest, right?
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