DES-1721: Specialist - Implementation Engineer, SC Series
Dell EMC DES-1721 Exam Questions
Exam Name:Specialist - Implementation Engineer, SC Series
Exam Code:
Related Certification(s):Dell EMC Implementation Engineer Certification
Certification Provider:Dell EMC
Number of DES-1721 practice questions in our database:147
(updated: 28-05-2024)
Expected DES-1721 Exam Topics, as suggested by Dell EMC :
Topic 1: Identify and describe the procedure(s) to failover and rebalance the SC Series Controllers/ Describe the SAS back-end cabling best practices
Topic 2: Describe how to prepare the installation environment and perform the initial setup and post-setup tasks on the Storage Center array/ Initial SAN HBA and Switch Configurations
Topic 3: Describe how to configure datapage size, SNMP and SMTP parameters/ Identify and describe the Dell Storage Center core features
Topic 4: Identify and describe how to map a volume to a server object/ Identify and describe the characteristics of the SC Series Controllers
Topic 5: Describe how to create and manage server objects and server folders/ Identify and describe the characteristics of the SC Series disk enclosures
Topic 6: Describe how to create fault domains and their purpose/ Describe the Dell Storage Manager (DSM) monitoring and metering capabilities
Topic 7: Identify and describe virtual port zoning best practices/ Identify and describe virtual port zoning best practices
Topic 8: Describe the best practices and characteristics for specific FC switch vendors/ Describe front-end cabling best practices for FibreChannel and iSCSI protocols
Topic 9: Explain the types of redundancy for front-end cabling/ Storage Center Deployment and Initial Configuration
Topic 10: Dell Storage Manager (DSM) Installation and Configuration/ Describe how to manageusers and permissions in Dell Storage Manager (DSM)
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