A customer is adding a new volume to their XtremlO environment using the RESTful API. When attempting to create the volume, a response code of 400 is returned. What is the
cause of this response code?
A response code of 400 in the context of RESTful API operations generally indicates that the request made by the client was malformed or contains a syntax error. This means that the data stream sent by the client to the server did not follow the rules as defined by the API specification. It could be due to various reasons such as incorrect request format, missing required parameters, or invalid parameter values1.
In the case of the Dell XtremIO environment, if a customer receives a 400 response code when attempting to create a volume via the RESTful API, it is likely due to a syntax error in the API command. The customer should review the API request to ensure that it conforms to the expected format and includes all necessary information as per the XtremIO API documentation2.
Community discussions on the Dell Technologies website where similar issues have been addressed and the cause of the 400 error was identified as a syntax error in the RESTful API command2.
General information about the meaning of a 400 Bad Request error in REST APIs, which supports the conclusion that a syntax error is the cause1.
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