An XtremlO administrator wants to understand the I/O transfer process. What are the parts of a typical I/O transfer?
A typical I/O transfer involves several components that work together to ensure data is correctly sent and received. These components include:
Protocol: This defines the rules for how data is transmitted between devices. It ensures that the sender and receiver are using a common language and standards.
Header: The header contains metadata about the data being transferred, such as source and destination addresses, error checking codes, and sequencing information.
Data: This is the actual payload or information that is being transferred.
Handshaking: This part of the process involves the exchange of control messages before the actual data transfer begins. It establishes the parameters of the communication channel and confirms that both sender and receiver are ready for the transfer.
These components are essential for the successful completion of an I/O transfer, ensuring that data is accurately and reliably transmitted from one point to another.
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