A Consistency Group contains a production and a remote copy. Both are provisioned from XtremlO arrays. Where are the snapshots that represent the point-in-time
images kept during normal replication?
The snapshots that represent the point-in-time images during normal replication are kept:
C . In the Journal pool on the XtremIO array containing the production volume
Explanation: In a RecoverPoint system, the Journal volumes are used to store the snapshots that represent the point-in-time images of the data being replicated. When both the production and copy volumes are provisioned from XtremIO arrays, the Journal pool on the XtremIO array containing the production volume is utilized to store these snapshots during normal replication.
Reference: Dell RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines 6.0.1 vSphere HTML5 Plugin Administrator's Guide, Chapter on Journal Sizing and Management.
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