A Storage Administrator ran a PSTCLI command on a Linux host. The error " -bash: pstcli: command not found" appears. How is the problem resolved?
When the error ''-bash: pstcli: command not found'' appears after running a PSTCLI command on a Linux host, it typically means that the shell cannot locate the pstcli executable in the directories listed in the PATH environment variable. To resolve this issue, the installation directory of pstcli needs to be added to the PATH variable. This can be done by editing the shell initialization file (such as .bashrc or .bash_profile for Bash shell) and appending the installation directory to the PATH variable.
Here are the steps to resolve the problem:
Locate the installation directory of PSTCLI. If you followed the default installation, it should be in /opt/dellemc/pstcli-version/bin/.
Open the shell initialization file in a text editor. For example, if using Bash, you might edit ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile.
Add the following line to the file: export PATH=$PATH:/opt/dellemc/pstcli-version/bin/. Replace /opt/dellemc/pstcli-version/bin/ with the actual installation directory if it is different.
Save the file and reload the shell configuration by running source ~/.bashrc or source ~/.bash_profile, or simply close and reopen the terminal.
Verify that pstcli can be found by running echo $PATH and ensuring the directory is listed.
Try running the pstcli command again to confirm that the issue is resolved.
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