create an SMB NAS server in the PowerStore simulator using the provided information.
Here's the information that is given:
NAS and SMB computer name: payrollserver
Network Interface: BaseEnclosure-bond1
IP address:
Subnet: /24
VLAN: 1504
Windows domain name:
Domain administrator credentials: (presumably Administrator/password)
1. Navigate to NAS Servers
Go to Compute > NAS Servers.
Click Add NAS Server.
2. Configure NAS Server Settings
NAS Server Name: Enter payrollserver.
Network Interface: Select BaseEnclosure-bond1.
IP Address: Enter
Subnet: Enter /24.
Gateway: Enter
VLAN: Enter 1504.
AD/DNS: Enter
Windows domain name: Enter
Domain administrator credentials: Enter Administrator for the username and password for the password.
3. Add the NAS Server
Click Add.
After the NAS server is created, you can verify its configuration on the NAS Servers page. Check that all the settings are correct.
Key Considerations
Network Connectivity: Ensure that the network interface (BaseEnclosure-bond1) is properly configured and connected to the network with the specified VLAN.
Active Directory Integration: The provided domain administrator credentials will be used to join the NAS server to the Active Directory domain. Make sure these credentials are valid.
DNS Resolution: The AD/DNS server IP address ( should be reachable from the PowerStore appliance for proper name resolution.
By following these steps, you'll successfully create an SMB NAS server with the specified configuration in the PowerStore simulator.
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