PowerProtect DD Test Simulator
You will need to use the PowerProtect DD Simulator to correctly answer question. The simulator allows you to navigate through the PowerProtect DD interface and configure many items. You will be scored on your ability to perform tasks, configure items, and gather information within the simulated environment.
Use the simulator to configure DD Boost by enabling it and creating a new user (ddboost) with the recommended permission. Use Password123 as the password. A storage unit name SU1 must be created and accessible by the user.
When you have finished, continue to the next question.
To configure DD Boost on the PowerProtect DD system and create the required user and storage unit, follow these steps:
Enable DD Boost:
Go to the DD System Manager.
Navigate to DD Boost Settings.
Click on Enable to activate DD Boost on the system.
2. Create the User 'ddboost':
Go to Access Management > Local Users.
Click Create to add a new user.
Set the username to ddboost and the password to Password123.
Assign the user management role (the recommended permission for DD Boost users).
Click OK to create the user.
3. Create the Storage Unit 'SU1':
Go to Storage Units in the DD Boost section.
Click Create to add a new storage unit.
Name the storage unit SU1.
Assign the ddboost user to this storage unit for access.
Set any quota limits if required, or leave them as None if no restrictions are needed.
Click Create to finalize the storage unit creation.
After completing these steps, DD Boost will be enabled, and the ddboost user with appropriate permissions will have access to the newly created storage unit SU1.
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