Use the simulator to configure DD Boost by enabling it and creating a new user (ddboost) with
the recommended permission. Use Password123 as the password. A storage unit name SU1 must be
created and accessible by the user.
When you have finished, continue to the next question.
To configure DD Boost, enable it, create a new user, and set up a storage unit in the DD System Manager, follow these steps:
Enable DD Boost:
In the Protocols section on the left sidebar, locate DD Boost and click on it.
Inside the DD Boost settings, find the option to enable DD Boost if it's currently disabled.
Create a New User:
Go to Administration or Users (location varies based on version).
Select Add User or New User.
Set the username as ddboost and the password as Password123.
Assign the appropriate permissions, typically Admin or Read/Write access, based on best practice recommendations for DD Boost users.
Create a Storage Unit:
Return to the DD Boost section.
Look for an option labeled Storage Units or similar, and choose Add Storage Unit.
Name the storage unit SU1.
Ensure that the newly created ddboost user has access to this storage unit.
Save and Confirm:
After configuring, save all settings and confirm the changes.
Verify that DD Boost is enabled, the user ddboost exists with the specified permissions, and the storage unit SU1 is created and accessible by this user.
This completes the setup for DD Boost with a new user and storage unit on PowerProtect DD. Let me know if you need more assistance with any of these steps.
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