What is the recommended frequency for running Discovery tasks in an OpenManage Enterprise environment with frequent network changes?
In an OpenManage Enterprise environment that experiences frequent network changes, it is recommended to run Discovery tasks once per day. This frequency ensures that the inventory of devices is kept up-to-date without causing excessive network traffic that could disrupt operations.
The rationale for this recommendation is as follows:
Frequent Network Changes: Environments with frequent changes require regular updates to the device inventory to reflect the current state of the network.
Balancing Load and Currency: Running Discovery tasks too frequently (e.g., every hour) could lead to unnecessary load on the network and OpenManage Enterprise system, while running them too infrequently (e.g., weekly) might result in outdated information. Daily discovery strikes a balance between these two extremes.
It's important to note that the specific frequency may need to be adjusted based on the unique characteristics of the network environment, including the number of devices, the nature of the changes, and the capacity of the network infrastructure. The recommendation provided here is based on general best practices for systems management in dynamic environments.
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