Which of the following is a problem with using accumulators?
Accumulator values can only be read by the driver, but not by executors.
Correct. So, for example, you cannot use an accumulator variable for coordinating workloads between executors. The typical, canonical, use case of an accumulator value is to report data, for
example for debugging purposes, back to the driver. For example, if you wanted to count values that match a specific condition in a UDF for debugging purposes, an accumulator provides a good
way to do that.
Only numeric values can be used in accumulators.
No. While pySpark's Accumulator only supports numeric values (think int and float), you can define accumulators for custom types via the AccumulatorParam interface (documentation linked below).
Accumulators do not obey lazy evaluation.
Incorrect -- accumulators do obey lazy evaluation. This has implications in practice: When an accumulator is encapsulated in a transformation, that accumulator will not be modified until a
subsequent action is run.
Accumulators are difficult to use for debugging because they will only be updated once, independent if a task has to be re-run due to hardware failure.
Wrong. A concern with accumulators is in fact that under certain conditions they can run for each task more than once. For example, if a hardware failure occurs during a task after an accumulator
variable has been increased but before a task has finished and Spark launches the task on a different worker in response to the failure, already executed accumulator variable increases will be
Only unnamed accumulators can be inspected in the Spark UI.
No. Currently, in PySpark, no accumulators can be inspected in the Spark UI. In the Scala interface of Spark, only named accumulators can be inspected in the Spark UI.
More info: Aggregating Results with Spark Accumulators | Sparkour, RDD Programming Guide - Spark 3.1.2 Documentation, pyspark.Accumulator --- PySpark 3.1.2 documentation, and
pyspark.AccumulatorParam --- PySpark 3.1.2 documentation
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