With Custom Alerts you are able to configure email alerts using predefined templates so you're notified about specific activity in your environment. Which of the following outlines the steps required to properly create a custom alert rule?
These are the steps required to properly create a custom alert rule. Custom Alerts are a feature that allows you to configure email alerts using predefined templates so you're notified about specific activity in your environment. You can choose from various templates that cover different use cases, such as suspicious PowerShell activity, network connections to risky countries, etc. You can also preview the search results of the template before scheduling the alert. You do not need to create the query for the alert, setup the email template for the alert, or create a new custom template, as these are already provided by the predefined templates.
Where would an analyst find information about shells spawned by root, Kernel Module loads, and wget/curl usage?
The Linux Sensor report is where an analyst would find information about shells spawned by root, Kernel Module loads, and wget/curl usage. The Linux Sensor report is a pre-defined report that provides a summary view of selected activities on Linux hosts. It shows information such as process execution events, network connection events, file write events, etc. that occurred on Linux hosts within a specified time range. The Sensor Health report, the Sensor Policy Daily report, and the Mac Sensor report do not provide the same information.
What information is provided when using IP Search to look up an IP address?
IP Search is an Investigate tool that allows you to look up information about external IPs only. It shows information such as geolocation, network connection events, detection history, etc. for each external IP address that has communicated with your hosts. It does not show information about internal IPs, suspicious IPs, or both internal and external IPs.
Where would an analyst find information about shells spawned by root, Kernel Module loads, and wget/curl usage?
The Linux Sensor report is where an analyst would find information about shells spawned by root, Kernel Module loads, and wget/curl usage. The Linux Sensor report is a pre-defined report that provides a summary view of selected activities on Linux hosts. It shows information such as process execution events, network connection events, file write events, etc. that occurred on Linux hosts within a specified time range. The Sensor Health report, the Sensor Policy Daily report, and the Mac Sensor report do not provide the same information.
Which of the following is a way to create event searches that run automatically and recur on a schedule that you set?
Scheduled Searches are a way to create event searches that run automatically and recur on a schedule that you set. You can use Scheduled Searches to monitor your environment for specific conditions or patterns, generate reports or alerts, or enrich your data with additional fields or tags. Workflows, Event Search, and Scheduled Reports are not ways to create event searches that run automatically and recur on a schedule.
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