Here you can find all the free questions related with CompTIA Network+ Certification (N10-009) exam. You can also find on this page links to recently updated premium files with which you can practice for actual CompTIA Network+ Certification Exam. These premium versions are provided as N10-009 exam practice tests, both as desktop software and browser based application, you can use whatever suits your style. Feel free to try the CompTIA Network+ Certification Exam premium files for free, Good luck with your CompTIA Network+ Certification Exam.
Question No: 1
A user's home mesh wireless network is experiencing latency issues. A technician has:
Performed a speed test.
Rebooted the devices.
Performed a site survey.
Performed a wireless packet capture.
The technician reviews the following information:
The technician notices in the packet capture that frames were retransmitted. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the user's network issue?