A trainer is contracted to deliver a course. The client requires strict adherence to the course material as written. The trainer finds multiple areas of information to be missing. Which of the following should the trainer do? (Select TWO).
Woah, slow down there, cowboy. Adding content without approval is a recipe for disaster. The client could refuse to pay, or even sue us. We need to play by the rules here. I'd suggest the handout option - that way we can provide the extra info without technically modifying the course.
You guys are being way too cautious. If the material is clearly lacking, I say just add what's needed and deal with the consequences later. What's the worst that could happen - they fire us? At least the students will get a better learning experience.
I agree with that. Discussing the missing material with the client is key. They may be open to adding more content, especially if it enhances the learning experience. But we definitely shouldn't just go rogue and add stuff without their approval. That could get us in hot water.
This is a tricky one. On the one hand, the client wants strict adherence to the course material, but on the other hand, the trainer has identified areas that are missing important information. I think the best approach would be to discuss the missing material with the client first and get their approval before adding anything.
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