Given the output below:
#nmap 7.70 scan initiated Tues, Feb 8 12:34:56 2022 as: nmap -v -Pn -p 80,8000,443 --script http-* -oA server.out Which of the following is being performed?
Web server enumeration is the process of identifying information about a web server, such as its software version, operating system, configuration, services, and vulnerabilities. This can be done using tools like Nmap, which can scan ports and run scripts to gather information. In this question, the Nmap command is using the -p option to scan ports 80, 8000, and 443, which are commonly used for web services. It is also using the --script option to run scripts that start with http-*, which are related to web server enumeration. The output file name server.out also suggests that the purpose of the scan is to enumerate web servers. Reference: CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) Certification Exam Objectives (CS0-002), page 8;
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