Proprietary information for your company's online business was released to a competitor. Which of the following preventative measures should your company take to ensure that its proprietary information is protected in the future?
Monitoring employees' messages? Sounds like a recipe for a mutiny. But hey, if it keeps the competition from getting their grubby hands on our secrets, I'm all for it. Just don't let anyone catch you reading my private emails, capiche?
Restricting Internet access? Psh, good luck running an online business without the Internet. I'd rather have Big Brother watching my every move than shut down our whole operation.
Destroying all proprietary information seems extreme. I think a combination of restricting Internet access and monitoring messages would be more effective.
Destroy all proprietary information? Well, that's one way to ensure it never falls into the wrong hands. But then, how do we, you know, run the business? Monitoring employees is the clear winner here.
Uninstalling email clients? What is this, the Stone Age? Might as well just send messages via carrier pigeon. Obviously, we need to monitor those messages to catch any leaks.
Restricting Internet access? Really? That's like putting a band-aid on a broken leg. Gotta go with monitoring employees' messages - that's the only way to keep an eye on the loose lips.
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