A black swan event is what type of occurrence?
A black swan event is an unusual occurrence - something that is rare. See p.124
Which of the following will you put into box 5?
The correct answers are as follows:
CSR= Corporate Social Responsibility
Which of the following will you put into box 1?
The correct answers are as follows:
Nothing can be done to change this risk (you can't stop an earthquake from happening), so you therefore need to transfer the risk to another party, or include for this within a contract.
Which of the following will you put into box 5?
The correct answers are as follows:
CSR= Corporate Social Responsibility
Zara is a procurement manager who is thinking about working with a new supplier to source buttons for her clothes manufacturing business. Her manager has asked her to do some due diligence on the supplier's financial stability. What should she do?
She should use a credit rating agency for this. She should not do this herself as she won't have access to accurate information like an agency will. The supplier may not have been truthful in their tender. For information on Credit Rating Agencies see p.79
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