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CIPS L4M3 Exam Questions

Exam Name: Commercial Contracting
Exam Code: L4M3
Related Certification(s): CIPS Level 4 Diploma in Procurement and Supply Certification
Certification Provider: CIPS
Number of L4M3 practice questions in our database: 189 (updated: Feb. 23, 2025)
Expected L4M3 Exam Topics, as suggested by CIPS :
  • Topic 1: Risks presented by contracting on suppliers terms or through oral contracts/ Analyse the content of specifications for procurements
  • Topic 2: Cost plus and cost reimbursable pricing arrangements/ Invitations to treat or invitations to negotiate
  • Topic 3: Compare types of contractual agreements made between customers and suppliers/ Standardisation of requirements versus increasing the range of products
  • Topic 4: Drafting specifications and developing marketdialogue with suppliers/ Understand the legal issues that relate to the formation of contracts
  • Topic 5: Analyse contractual terms for contracts that arecreated with external organisations/ The Vienna Convention on the International Sales of Goods
  • Topic 6: Appraise examples of key performance indicators (KPIs) in contractual agreements/ Analyse the legal issues that relate to the creation of commercial agreements with customers or suppliers
  • Topic 7: Recognise examples of contractual terms typically incorporated into contracts that are created with external organisations/ Invitation to tender or request for quotation
  • Topic 8: Terms that apply to labour standards and ethical sourcing/ Including social and environmental criteria inspecifications
  • Topic 9: Recognise types of pricing arrangements incommercial agreements/ The battle of the forms and precedence of contract terms
  • Topic 10: Defining contractual performance measures or key performance indicators (KPI)/ Understand the key clauses that are included informal contracts
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2 days ago
CIPS certified professional here! Pass4Success's prep was spot-on and time-saving. Couldn't be happier!
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6 days ago
Cost analysis questions are challenging. Be ready to calculate total cost of ownership and lifecycle costs. Pass4Success practice problems were invaluable here.
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20 days ago
Dispute resolution mechanisms are a hot topic. Understand arbitration, mediation, and litigation processes. Pass4Success provided great comparative questions on this.
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1 months ago
Made it through the CIPS exam! Pass4Success's questions were incredibly similar to the real thing. Thanks a bunch!
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1 months ago
Change management processes in contracts are crucial. Know how to handle scope changes and contract modifications. Pass4Success practice tests were spot-on for this.
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1 months ago
I passed the CIPS Commercial Contracting exam with the help of Pass4Success practice questions. One tricky question was about the key clauses in formal contracts, specifically the 'termination for convenience' clause.
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2 months ago
Intellectual property rights in contracts are tricky. Understand patents, copyrights, and trade secrets. Pass4Success covered this topic extensively in their prep materials.
upvoted 0 times


2 months ago
CIPS certification achieved! Pass4Success's materials were key to my success. Thank you for the efficient prep!
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2 months ago
Contract termination clauses are important. Know the differences between termination for convenience and default. Pass4Success questions really helped me grasp these distinctions.
upvoted 0 times


2 months ago
Happy to report that I passed the CIPS exam. The practice questions from Pass4Success were extremely useful. A challenging question was about the fundamentals of specifications and how they are used to define the scope of work in contracts.
upvoted 0 times


3 months ago
Ethics and compliance questions are common. Study conflict of interest situations and anti-corruption measures. Pass4Success materials were comprehensive on this.
upvoted 0 times


3 months ago
I passed the CIPS Commercial Contracting exam, and the Pass4Success practice questions were crucial. One question that caught me off guard was about the legal issues in contract formation, especially the concept of 'capacity' to contract.
upvoted 0 times


3 months ago
Passed my CIPS exam on the first try! Pass4Success's practice questions were a lifesaver. Highly recommend!
upvoted 0 times


3 months ago
Performance measurement is key. Be prepared to interpret KPIs and SLAs in contract management. Pass4Success provided great practice scenarios for this topic.
upvoted 0 times


3 months ago
Excited to announce that I passed the CIPS exam. The Pass4Success practice questions were a great help. There was a question on the key clauses in formal contracts, particularly focusing on 'force majeure' and its impact on contractual obligations.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
Contract law basics are essential. Expect questions on offer, acceptance, and consideration. Brush up on legal terminologies. Pass4Success helped me master these concepts quickly.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
I passed the CIPS Commercial Contracting exam! The practice questions from Pass4Success were invaluable. One question I found difficult was about the key performance indicators (KPIs) and how they are used to measure supplier performance.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
CIPS certified! The exam was tough, but Pass4Success made my prep so much easier. Grateful for their help!
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
Supplier relationship management questions popped up frequently. Know the difference between transactional, collaborative, and strategic relationships. Pass4Success practice tests covered this well.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
Successfully passed the CIPS exam, thanks to Pass4Success practice questions. A question that puzzled me was about the legal issues in contract formation, specifically the role of 'offer and acceptance' in creating a valid contract.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Risk management is a big topic. Be ready to identify and classify different types of contract risks. Understanding mitigation strategies is crucial. Pass4Success materials were invaluable for this section.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
I’m thrilled to share that I passed the CIPS Commercial Contracting exam. The Pass4Success practice questions were spot on. One challenging question asked about the fundamentals of specifications and how they impact supplier performance.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Nailed the CIPS exam today! Pass4Success really came through with their prep materials. Couldn't have done it without them.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Heads up on negotiation tactics questions. Know BATNA, ZOPA, and anchoring strategies. Practice applying these concepts to various scenarios. Thanks to Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions!
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Just passed the CIPS exam! The practice questions from Pass4Success were a lifesaver. There was one tricky question on the key clauses included in formal contracts, particularly focusing on indemnity clauses and their implications.
upvoted 0 times


6 months ago
Just passed the CIPS Certified: Commercial Contracting exam! Expect questions on contract types and their implications. Study fixed-price vs. cost-reimbursement contracts thoroughly. Pass4Success really helped me prepare quickly!
upvoted 0 times


6 months ago
I recently passed the CIPS Commercial Contracting exam, and I must say that the Pass4Success practice questions were incredibly helpful. One question that stumped me was about the essential elements required for the formation of a contract. Specifically, it asked about the significance of 'consideration' in making a contract legally binding.
upvoted 0 times


6 months ago
Just passed the CIPS Commercial Contracting exam! So relieved. Thanks Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions!
upvoted 0 times


6 months ago
Thanks to Pass4Success practice questions, I was able to pass the CIPS Commercial Contracting exam. The exam covered topics like invitations to treat and cost plus pricing arrangements. One question that I found tricky was about the risks presented by contracting on suppliers terms. I had to carefully analyze the options before selecting the correct answer, but I managed to pass the exam in the end.
upvoted 0 times


7 months ago
My exam experience for the CIPS Commercial Contracting exam was successful, thanks to Pass4Success practice questions. The content of specifications for procurements and invitations to negotiate were key topics in the exam. I remember a question about cost reimbursable pricing arrangements and how they impact contract management. It was a challenging question, but I was able to navigate through it and pass the exam.
upvoted 0 times


8 months ago
Aced the CIPS exam! Pass4Success, your practice questions were spot on. Thanks for helping me prepare effectively in such a short period.
upvoted 0 times


8 months ago
CIPS certified! Pass4Success, your exam questions were incredibly helpful. Grateful for the efficient preparation you provided.
upvoted 0 times


8 months ago
I passed the CIPS Commercial Contracting exam with the help of Pass4Success practice questions. The exam covered topics such as risks presented by contracting on suppliers terms and cost plus pricing arrangements. One question that stood out to me was about the risks associated with oral contracts in procurement. I wasn't completely sure of the answer, but I managed to pass the exam.
upvoted 0 times


9 months ago
Just passed the CIPS Commercial Contracting exam! Thanks Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions. Your materials made all the difference in my quick prep.
upvoted 0 times


9 months ago
Successfully passed CIPS Commercial Contracting! Pass4Success's relevant practice material was key to my success in limited study time. Thank you!
upvoted 0 times


10 months ago
Phew! CIPS exam done and dusted. Pass4Success's relevant questions were a lifesaver. Couldn't have passed without them in such a short time.
upvoted 0 times

Free CIPS L4M3 Exam Actual Questions

Note: Premium Questions for L4M3 were last updated On Feb. 23, 2025 (see below)

Question #1

Which of the following shall help the purchaser control the selection of tier 2 suppliers?

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Correct Answer: A

When a party takes on a contractual obligation, they are legally required to perform the obligation.

That same contracting party is still entitled to subcontract out the work to another service provider, unless the contract:

- is a contract for personal services, such an employment contract

- contains an express term preventing subcontracting out the work, or an implied term

Subcontracting clauses are written to control whether the contractor is entitled to subcontract, and how purchaser shall control that subcontracting process.

- Subcontracting clauses (delegation of contractual obligations to third parties)

- CIPS study guide page 153-157

LO 3, AC 3.2

Question #2

Which of the following are most likely to be substantive elements of the specification of a truck? Select TWO that apply:

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Correct Answer: A, C

The key substantive elements to be included in a specification are:

- Characteristics of the product or service

- Time scale for delivery

- Response times for defects

- KPIs relating to performance and reliability

- Lifespan and durability expectations

- Documentary requirement for training/user manual and/or management information

- Any specific requirements regarding implementation

LO 2, AC 2.1

Question #3

Which of the following are likely to be express terms in a contract?

1. Legislation

2. Custom and practice

3. Contract particulars

4. Terms and conditions

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Correct Answer: C

Express terms are the terms of the agreement which are expressly agreed between the parties. Ideally, they will be written down in a contract between the parties but where the contract is agreed verbally, they will be the terms discussed and agreed between the parties.

The types of express terms to be found in a contract are many and varied and will depend on the type of contract. Any term written into the contract is an express term and may refer to price, time scales, warranties and indemnities, limitations on liability, conditions precedent and so on.

- Contracts: Express and Implied Terms

- CIPS study guide page 32

LO 1, AC 1.2

Question #4

Which of the following are most likely to be substantive elements of the specification of a truck? Select TWO that apply:

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Correct Answer: A, C

The key substantive elements to be included in a specification are:

- Characteristics of the product or service

- Time scale for delivery

- Response times for defects

- KPIs relating to performance and reliability

- Lifespan and durability expectations

- Documentary requirement for training/user manual and/or management information

- Any specific requirements regarding implementation

LO 2, AC 2.1

Question #5

Which of the following regulates barriers to the trade of goods between Member States of WTO?

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Correct Answer: B

- The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is a legal agreement between many countries, whose overall purpose was to promote international trade by reducing or eliminating trade barriers such as tariffs or quotas. According to its preamble, its purpose was the 'substantial reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers and the elimination of preferences, on a reciprocal and mutually advantageous basis.'

- CISG is the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. This is a voluntary treaty under United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). The purpose of the Vienna Convention is to set out a framework for international transactions based on a uniform approach. It establishes substantive rules that regulate the duties and obligations of both parties, including the delivery of goods, contract formation, and remedies for breach of contract.

- The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) is an international legal agreement between all the member nations of the World Trade Organization (WTO). It sets down minimum standards for the regulation by national governments of many forms of intellectual property (IP) as applied to nationals of other WTO member nations.

- The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA; Spanish: Tratado de Libre Comercio de Amrica del Norte, TLCAN; French: Accord de libre-change nord-amricain, ALNA) is an agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States, creating a trilateral trade bloc in North America.

LO 1, AC 1.3

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