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CIPS L4M1 Exam Questions

Exam Name: Scope and Influence of Procurement and Supply
Exam Code: L4M1
Related Certification(s): CIPS Level 4 Diploma in Procurement and Supply Certification
Certification Provider: CIPS
Number of L4M1 practice questions in our database: 40 (updated: Feb. 03, 2025)
Expected L4M1 Exam Topics, as suggested by CIPS :
  • Topic 1: Understand and analyse the added value through procurement and supply chain management: This section of the exam measures skills of supply chain managers related to identifying added value outcomes in procurement and supply and evaluating cost savings, service improvements, and innovationsu contributions.It also measures procurement and supply processes that contribute to added value.
  • Topic 2: Understand and analyse the key steps when procuring goods or services: This section measures that skills of purchasing managers and procurement officers in identifying and evaluating stages in the sourcing process, planning, supplier selection, and contract management.
  • Topic 3: Understand and analyse aspects of organisational infrastructure that shape the scope of procurement and supply chain functions: This section measures that skill of supply chain strategists and organizational analysts in understanding corporate governance, documented policies, accountability, and ethics. It also covers the impact of organisational policies and procedures on procurement and supply Procedures, strategies, manuals, and internal function involvement.
  • Topic 4: Understand and analyse the need for compliance: This section measures skills of compliance officers and sector-specific procurement managers in understanding different economic and industrial sectors such as Public, private, charity, not-for-profit, manufacturing, retail, construction, financial, agriculture, and service sectors. It also covers analyzing the impact of the public sector on procurement and supply chain activities public sector objectives, regulations, competition, accountability, and value for money. It finally covers the impact of the private sector on procurement or supply chain activities.
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6 days ago
Supplier relationship management is crucial. Expect questions on developing and maintaining effective supplier partnerships.
upvoted 0 times


20 days ago
Make sure you understand different pricing models in procurement. The exam might ask you to choose the most appropriate model for various scenarios.
upvoted 0 times


23 days ago
Made it through the CIPS Scope and Influence exam! Pass4Success, your prep materials were invaluable.
upvoted 0 times


27 days ago
I recently passed the CIPS Scope and Influence of Procurement and Supply exam, and the Pass4Success practice questions were a big help. One question that caught me off guard was about how an organization's setup affects procurement and supply chain work. It asked for examples of how different organizational structures impact procurement strategies.
upvoted 0 times


1 months ago
Just finished the exam. There were quite a few questions on contract management. Know the key stages and best practices.
upvoted 0 times


2 months ago
Pass4Success really helped me understand the concept of value creation in procurement. The exam had several questions on this - be prepared!
upvoted 0 times


2 months ago
CIPS exam success! Grateful for Pass4Success's relevant practice questions. Highly recommend!
upvoted 0 times


2 months ago
The CIPS exam was challenging, but I passed with the help of Pass4Success practice questions. A question that I found difficult was about the need for compliance in procurement activities. It asked how compliance impacts supplier selection and contract management, which required a detailed response.
upvoted 0 times


2 months ago
The exam tests your knowledge of procurement ethics. Expect questions on handling conflicts of interest and maintaining professional integrity.
upvoted 0 times


2 months ago
I passed the CIPS exam with flying colors, thanks to the Pass4Success practice questions. One question that stumped me was about the added value through procurement and supply chain management. It required examples of how procurement can contribute to cost savings and efficiency improvements.
upvoted 0 times


3 months ago
Supply chain risk management is a key topic. Prepare to identify potential risks and suggest mitigation strategies in given situations.
upvoted 0 times


3 months ago
Passed CIPS Certified today! Pass4Success helped me prepare efficiently in a short time.
upvoted 0 times


3 months ago
Passing the CIPS Scope and Influence of Procurement and Supply exam was a great achievement, and I owe it to the Pass4Success practice questions. There was a question about the key steps when procuring goods or services that I found tricky. It asked for a detailed explanation of each step, from need identification to supplier evaluation.
upvoted 0 times


3 months ago
Passed the exam! Make sure you're familiar with various sourcing strategies. You might need to recommend the best approach for different business scenarios.
upvoted 0 times


3 months ago
I recently cleared the CIPS exam, and the Pass4Success practice questions were instrumental in my success. One challenging question was about the organizational infrastructure related to supply chain functions. It asked how different departments within an organization interact with the supply chain function, which was quite detailed.
upvoted 1 times


4 months ago
The exam covers stakeholder management extensively. Be ready to discuss strategies for engaging different types of stakeholders in procurement processes.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
Whew! Cleared the CIPS exam. Pass4Success questions were incredibly similar to the real thing.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
The CIPS exam was tough, but I managed to pass with the help of Pass4Success practice questions. A question that I found difficult was related to how procurement and supply chain management can add value. It asked for specific examples of value-added activities in the supply chain, which I had to think hard about.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
Thanks to Pass4Success for their practice questions! They really helped me grasp the concept of total cost of ownership. Expect calculations and analysis questions on this topic.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
I passed the CIPS Scope and Influence of Procurement and Supply exam, thanks to the Pass4Success practice questions. One question that puzzled me was about the main steps for buying goods or services. It required a detailed explanation of the procurement cycle, including requisition, sourcing, and contract management.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
CIPS Scope and Influence exam was tough, but I made it! Pass4Success materials were a lifesaver.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Exam tip: Understand the differences between direct and indirect procurement. You might encounter case studies asking you to identify and explain these types.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Having just passed the CIPS exam, I can confidently say that the Pass4Success practice questions were a game-changer. There was a tricky question about how an organization's structure impacts procurement and supply chain work. It asked for examples of how decentralized and centralized structures affect procurement efficiency, which I found challenging.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
I recently passed the CIPS Scope and Influence of Procurement and Supply exam, and I must say, the Pass4Success practice questions were incredibly helpful. One question that caught me off guard was about the importance of compliance in procurement activities across different sectors. It asked how compliance requirements vary between public and private sectors, and I was unsure about the specifics.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Just passed the CIPS Certified: Scope and Influence of Procurement and Supply exam! Be prepared for questions on the five rights of procurement. Know how to apply them in different scenarios.
upvoted 0 times


6 months ago
Just passed the CIPS Certified exam! Thanks Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions. Saved me so much time!
upvoted 0 times


8 months ago
Passed my CIPS Certified exam today! Pass4Success's concise materials helped me prepare efficiently. Highly recommend!
upvoted 0 times


8 months ago
Passed the CIPS Certified exam with flying colors! Contract management was crucial. Questions covered contract types and terms. Understand different contract structures and key clauses. Pass4Success provided relevant practice materials that saved me time in preparation.
upvoted 0 times


8 months ago
Success! CIPS Certified exam conquered. Pass4Success's relevant practice questions were key to my quick preparation. Thank you!
upvoted 0 times


8 months ago
Successfully completed the CIPS exam! Procurement ethics was a major focus. Be prepared for scenario-based questions on ethical dilemmas. Review the CIPS code of conduct and ethical procurement principles. Pass4Success really helped me prepare efficiently!
upvoted 0 times


8 months ago
Wow, that CIPS exam was tough! Grateful for Pass4Success - their prep materials were a lifesaver. Passed with flying colors!
upvoted 0 times


9 months ago
Just passed the CIPS Certified exam! Thanks to Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions. Saved me tons of study time!
upvoted 0 times


9 months ago
Just passed the CIPS Certified exam! A key topic was supply chain risk management. Expect questions on identifying and mitigating various risks. Study different risk categories and mitigation strategies. Thanks to Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions!
upvoted 0 times


9 months ago
CIPS certification achieved! Pass4Success's exam questions were incredibly similar to the real thing. Couldn't have done it without them!
upvoted 0 times

Free CIPS L4M1 Exam Actual Questions

Note: Premium Questions for L4M1 were last updated On Feb. 03, 2025 (see below)

Question #1

What is meant by Stakeholder Mapping? Describe a tool that can be used by a Procurement Professional to map the stakeholders at their organisation (25 points)

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Correct Answer: A

How to approach this question:

- Define stakeholder mapping -- completing an analysis of the stakeholders of an organisation and dividing them into categories depending on certain characteristics. This is often represented visually on a graph or matrix.

- Describe a Stakeholder mapping tool -- the most common tool is Mendelow's Stakeholder Matrix so I would recommend using this one. It is explained in detail in the study guide. However, the question is open so you could choose to describe another tool such as Edgar's Stakeholder Position Analysis if you so wished. You wouldn't be wrong choosing this, but honestly, I'd just go for Mendelow. You can't go wrong with Mendelow. Because the Matrix has 4 sections you can imagine you'd get 5 points for the definition of stakeholder mapping, and 5 points for each of the quadrants of the matrix.

Essay Plan:

Introduction - The reason why stakeholder mapping is important is because interests and expectations of stakeholder groups will be different and possibly conflicting. Mapping this allows an organisation to see the variety and decide on an appropriate management style for each stakeholder group.

Paragraph 1 - Mendelow's Power / Interest Matrix maps stakeholders based on their influencing power and the strength of their motivation to use that power. It uses a 2x2 grid and defines power as high or low and interest and high or low. It then provides four strategies for managing the stakeholders based on which quadrant of the grid the stakeholder falls into. These 4 categories are:

Paragraph 2 - Keep satisfied -- high power but low interest. If the stakeholder becomes dissatisfied or concerned their interest may peak. Examples include regulatory bodies, shareholders, senior management. The best approach is to keep them up to date so they are informed of what is going on, but do not burden them with information they do not need.

Paragraph 3 - Manage Closely -- AKA Key players -- includes major customers, key suppliers, partners, senior management. These stakeholders need to know everything that is going on and approve of what is going on. The recommended strategy is early involvement and participation, and integrating their goals with yours. This group requires regular communication and meetings. You should take their opinions on board.

Paragraph 4- Monitor -- minimum effort required -- this is the low priority group as they have low power and low interest. Includes small volume suppliers and other organisational functions with no direct interest in your activities. This group does not need to receive regular communication.

Paragraph 5 - Keep informed - high interest, but low power. If they're not kept in the loop and understand the need for decisions, they may lobby together to protect their interest if they feel threatened. Employee groups, suppliers and community groups may be in this category. This group should receive regular communication.

Conclusion - Mendelow created the matrix in 1991 and it is still used today. It is a popular management tool due to its simplicity. It's important to notes that stakeholders can move through the matrix- it isn't stagnant. For example, at the beginning of a project a manager in another department may be classed as 'low priority' because they are seen to have no interest and no power in the project. However, as the project progresses the manager may become interested. They will then transfer into the keep informed category. Therefore, the matrix should be redone regularly throughout the lifetime of a project to capture any movements. The matrix should also be redone for each individual project -- it cannot be assumed that a stakeholder who had interest in one project would be interested in another.

Tutor Notes

- The above essay plan is basically the entire essay, I got carried away. The only thing you'd need to add into that is an example of a stakeholder for each of the sections! (e.g. the CEO is high power, but low interest stakeholder for the procurement department. He/ She doesn't care about the day to day operations but should be kept informed of any big news). For your examples you could use your own place of work.

- At level 4 you don't have to analyse the model, you just have to be able to memorise it and repeat it. Mendelow comes up again at Level 5 and 6 in a bit more detail. If you want to score super bonus points you could mention in your conclusion that the main disadvantage of Mendelow's Matrix is that it doesn't take into consideration the stakeholder's position on the project -- whether they're for it or against it. Therefore, it doesn't provide the full picture or provide much help on how to manage stakeholders. E.g. two stakeholders might both be in 'manage closely' section, but one is for the project and the other against -- they'd need to be handled very differently!

- Study guide p. 65

Question #2

Explain what is meant by the term Inventory Management System? Describe MRP and ERP systems explaining when they are used and the advantages and disadvantages of using them (25 points)

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Correct Answer: A

How to approach this question:

- Definition of Inventory Management System -- a system, usually a piece of digital software, that helps an organisation manage their inventory. It oversees the process of ordering stock, receiving it, storing it and converting it into finished goods. Used predominantly in manufacturing organisations. MRP and ERP are types of IMS.

- MRP - Material Requirements Planning- this is a planning, scheduling, and inventory control system used to manage manufacturing processes. Most MRP systems are software-based. The aim is to automate and improve the efficiency of ordering and processing raw materials.

- ERP -- Enterprise Resource Planning -- this system uses MRP but also includes other operations such as finance, so allows for budgeting and forecasting, and customer relations. ERP gives an organisation a more holistic overview compared to MRP which just focuses on manufacturing.

- When they are used -- predominantly in the manufacturing industry for the ordering of goods. Not used for services. Used when there is a lot of maths involved in figuring out how much of something to order and when e.g. a chocolate manufacturer who needs to produce 50,000 chocolate bars a day. MRP / ERP helps the organisation know what to order, how much and when. It helps achieve the 5 Rights of Procurement.

- Advantages -- the advantages of MRP and ERP are very similar and in most cases the same: more accurate than manual processes, quicker response times, automated process frees up people to complete more added value tasks, flexibility, has real time information to inform on decision making, improved responsiveness to customers, improved supply chain management, reduction in costs.

- Disadvantages - expensive, complicated, can break down or be hacked (as they're digital systems), only as good as the information put into them. training required to use.

Example Essay:


An Inventory Management System (IMS) is a software application or set of tools designed to oversee and optimize the management of a company's inventory. The primary goal of an inventory management system is to maintain an accurate record of stock levels, streamline the procurement process, and ensure efficient order fulfilment. This system plays a crucial role in supporting businesses by helping them avoid stockouts, reduce excess inventory, and enhance overall supply chain efficiency.

Inventory Management Systems have the following functions: demand management (which assists with forecasting, and helps the avoidance of overstocking), helps to control stock levels (by stating minimum and maximum levels), replenishment of stock in line with policies, allows automatic reordering when stock levels get low, tracks stock movements (e.g. around a warehouse), allows communication with suppliers and end users, and helps increase safety by ensuring stock isn't damaged or deteriorating.


MRP stands for Material Requirements Planning, and it is a computer-based inventory management and production planning system used by businesses to optimize the management of materials, components, and finished products in the manufacturing process. MRP is a key component of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, focusing specifically on the planning and control of materials and production resources.

MRP systems uses 3 main modules: 1. Master Production Schedule- information on customer orders, forecast orders, customer requirements and stock orders 2. Bill of Materials -- the recipe / breakdown of components of the finished product and 3. Inventory Status File -- tells you the current stock levels.

How MRP works- For example, a customer wants to order a new sof

a. 1. input the customer order into MRP 2. Check finished stock and if there's a sofa, give the customer that sofa. If there isn't a sofa in stock, the MRP system will look at the Bill of Materials- looking at individual materials needed to make the sofa and will order these, factoring in lead times 3. confirm to customer what the lead time is on getting their new sofa, based on delivery time of materials and time to make it.

MRP is a simple system -- it doesn't take into account other business processes and can go wrong due to inaccurate or outdated information.

Advantages of the MRP process include the assurance that materials and components will be available when needed, minimised inventory levels, reduced customer lead times, optimised inventory management, and improved overall customer satisfaction.

Disadvantages to the MRP process include a heavy reliance on input data accuracy (garbage in, garbage out), the high cost to implement, and a lack of flexibility when it comes to the production schedule.


This is business management software which is used to collect, store, manage, and interpret data from many business activities. It uses MRP but also includes other operations such as finance, HR and customer services. Therefore it's more powerful than MRP. Where MRP can tell you how much of something to order and what the lead times are, ERP can also consider how many staff are available each day (by looking at holidays and sickness) and factor this into the manufacturing process. It can also produce accurate financial data, manage customer and supplier relationships.

ERP facilitates information flow between all business functions and manages connections to outside stakeholders. SAP and Oracle are examples of ERP systems. There is also ERP II -- this extends the system to include links with suppliers and supply chain stakeholders

One of the primary advantages of implementing an ERP system is the integration of information across various departments. By providing a unified view of an organization's operations, an ERP system ensures that different functions work with synchronized and consistent data, fostering improved decision-making and collaboration.

Operational efficiency is another significant benefit of ERP systems. Through the automation of routine tasks and streamlined processes, organizations can achieve greater efficiency, reduce manual errors, and enhance overall productivity.

However, one of the primary disadvantages is the high initial implementation costs. Organizations must invest in software licenses, training programs, and customization to align the ERP system with their specific needs. The complexity of ERP systems and potential customization challenges can pose difficulties, requiring expertise and resources for successful implementation.

Resistance to change among employees is a common hurdle when introducing ERP systems. Employees may be hesitant to adopt new processes and technologies, leading to a slower transition period and potential inefficiencies during the learning curve. Organizations also become dependent on ERP vendors for updates, support, and maintenance, and switching vendors can be disruptive and costly.

In conclusion, while MRP and ERP systems offer numerous advantages in terms of operational efficiency, data integration, and strategic planning, organizations must carefully weigh these benefits against the associated challenges. A well-planned and effectively implemented system can contribute significantly to an organization's success, but the decision to adopt such a system should be approached with a thorough understanding of both its advantages and potential drawbacks.

Tutor Notes

- This is a really hard topic if you don't have a manufacturing background. The way I think about it is this- imagine you're Cadbury's and you're coming up to Easter. How much sugar do you need to buy and when do you need to buy it in order to make all your Easter Eggs? Hard question right? Well MRP / ERP is the clever software that figures that all out for you. It will tell you how much sugar needs to be bought on what day, in order for the delivery time to be right for manufacturing. It will consider storage costs and how quickly Easter Eggs get made in the factory. It's honestly so clever. Feel free to use that example in your essay. Examples like that show the examiner you understand the topic.

- Although they're fabulous systems, using MRP and ERP systems doesn't guarantee success- at the end of the day they're just software- the key to success is in the accuracy of the data that's inputted into the systems and how the systems are used. That would make a strong conclusion.

- This is a good simple video that explains the topic: What is Materials Requirement Planning (MRP)? ( I also like watching How Its Made -- a documentary series about factory life. You can find it on BBC Iplayer. If you don't have a manufacturing background it helps give context to some of these dry subjects like MRP and Just-in-Time manufacturing.

- LO 3.4 p. 175

Question #3

What is meant by Stakeholder Mapping? Describe a tool that can be used by a Procurement Professional to map the stakeholders at their organisation (25 points)

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Correct Answer: A

How to approach this question:

- Define stakeholder mapping -- completing an analysis of the stakeholders of an organisation and dividing them into categories depending on certain characteristics. This is often represented visually on a graph or matrix.

- Describe a Stakeholder mapping tool -- the most common tool is Mendelow's Stakeholder Matrix so I would recommend using this one. It is explained in detail in the study guide. However, the question is open so you could choose to describe another tool such as Edgar's Stakeholder Position Analysis if you so wished. You wouldn't be wrong choosing this, but honestly, I'd just go for Mendelow. You can't go wrong with Mendelow. Because the Matrix has 4 sections you can imagine you'd get 5 points for the definition of stakeholder mapping, and 5 points for each of the quadrants of the matrix.

Essay Plan:

Introduction - The reason why stakeholder mapping is important is because interests and expectations of stakeholder groups will be different and possibly conflicting. Mapping this allows an organisation to see the variety and decide on an appropriate management style for each stakeholder group.

Paragraph 1 - Mendelow's Power / Interest Matrix maps stakeholders based on their influencing power and the strength of their motivation to use that power. It uses a 2x2 grid and defines power as high or low and interest and high or low. It then provides four strategies for managing the stakeholders based on which quadrant of the grid the stakeholder falls into. These 4 categories are:

Paragraph 2 - Keep satisfied -- high power but low interest. If the stakeholder becomes dissatisfied or concerned their interest may peak. Examples include regulatory bodies, shareholders, senior management. The best approach is to keep them up to date so they are informed of what is going on, but do not burden them with information they do not need.

Paragraph 3 - Manage Closely -- AKA Key players -- includes major customers, key suppliers, partners, senior management. These stakeholders need to know everything that is going on and approve of what is going on. The recommended strategy is early involvement and participation, and integrating their goals with yours. This group requires regular communication and meetings. You should take their opinions on board.

Paragraph 4- Monitor -- minimum effort required -- this is the low priority group as they have low power and low interest. Includes small volume suppliers and other organisational functions with no direct interest in your activities. This group does not need to receive regular communication.

Paragraph 5 - Keep informed - high interest, but low power. If they're not kept in the loop and understand the need for decisions, they may lobby together to protect their interest if they feel threatened. Employee groups, suppliers and community groups may be in this category. This group should receive regular communication.

Conclusion - Mendelow created the matrix in 1991 and it is still used today. It is a popular management tool due to its simplicity. It's important to notes that stakeholders can move through the matrix- it isn't stagnant. For example, at the beginning of a project a manager in another department may be classed as 'low priority' because they are seen to have no interest and no power in the project. However, as the project progresses the manager may become interested. They will then transfer into the keep informed category. Therefore, the matrix should be redone regularly throughout the lifetime of a project to capture any movements. The matrix should also be redone for each individual project -- it cannot be assumed that a stakeholder who had interest in one project would be interested in another.

Tutor Notes

- The above essay plan is basically the entire essay, I got carried away. The only thing you'd need to add into that is an example of a stakeholder for each of the sections! (e.g. the CEO is high power, but low interest stakeholder for the procurement department. He/ She doesn't care about the day to day operations but should be kept informed of any big news). For your examples you could use your own place of work.

- At level 4 you don't have to analyse the model, you just have to be able to memorise it and repeat it. Mendelow comes up again at Level 5 and 6 in a bit more detail. If you want to score super bonus points you could mention in your conclusion that the main disadvantage of Mendelow's Matrix is that it doesn't take into consideration the stakeholder's position on the project -- whether they're for it or against it. Therefore, it doesn't provide the full picture or provide much help on how to manage stakeholders. E.g. two stakeholders might both be in 'manage closely' section, but one is for the project and the other against -- they'd need to be handled very differently!

- Study guide p. 65

Question #4

Explain what is meant by the term Inventory Management System? Describe MRP and ERP systems explaining when they are used and the advantages and disadvantages of using them (25 points)

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Correct Answer: A

How to approach this question:

- Definition of Inventory Management System -- a system, usually a piece of digital software, that helps an organisation manage their inventory. It oversees the process of ordering stock, receiving it, storing it and converting it into finished goods. Used predominantly in manufacturing organisations. MRP and ERP are types of IMS.

- MRP - Material Requirements Planning- this is a planning, scheduling, and inventory control system used to manage manufacturing processes. Most MRP systems are software-based. The aim is to automate and improve the efficiency of ordering and processing raw materials.

- ERP -- Enterprise Resource Planning -- this system uses MRP but also includes other operations such as finance, so allows for budgeting and forecasting, and customer relations. ERP gives an organisation a more holistic overview compared to MRP which just focuses on manufacturing.

- When they are used -- predominantly in the manufacturing industry for the ordering of goods. Not used for services. Used when there is a lot of maths involved in figuring out how much of something to order and when e.g. a chocolate manufacturer who needs to produce 50,000 chocolate bars a day. MRP / ERP helps the organisation know what to order, how much and when. It helps achieve the 5 Rights of Procurement.

- Advantages -- the advantages of MRP and ERP are very similar and in most cases the same: more accurate than manual processes, quicker response times, automated process frees up people to complete more added value tasks, flexibility, has real time information to inform on decision making, improved responsiveness to customers, improved supply chain management, reduction in costs.

- Disadvantages - expensive, complicated, can break down or be hacked (as they're digital systems), only as good as the information put into them. training required to use.

Example Essay:


An Inventory Management System (IMS) is a software application or set of tools designed to oversee and optimize the management of a company's inventory. The primary goal of an inventory management system is to maintain an accurate record of stock levels, streamline the procurement process, and ensure efficient order fulfilment. This system plays a crucial role in supporting businesses by helping them avoid stockouts, reduce excess inventory, and enhance overall supply chain efficiency.

Inventory Management Systems have the following functions: demand management (which assists with forecasting, and helps the avoidance of overstocking), helps to control stock levels (by stating minimum and maximum levels), replenishment of stock in line with policies, allows automatic reordering when stock levels get low, tracks stock movements (e.g. around a warehouse), allows communication with suppliers and end users, and helps increase safety by ensuring stock isn't damaged or deteriorating.


MRP stands for Material Requirements Planning, and it is a computer-based inventory management and production planning system used by businesses to optimize the management of materials, components, and finished products in the manufacturing process. MRP is a key component of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, focusing specifically on the planning and control of materials and production resources.

MRP systems uses 3 main modules: 1. Master Production Schedule- information on customer orders, forecast orders, customer requirements and stock orders 2. Bill of Materials -- the recipe / breakdown of components of the finished product and 3. Inventory Status File -- tells you the current stock levels.

How MRP works- For example, a customer wants to order a new sof

a. 1. input the customer order into MRP 2. Check finished stock and if there's a sofa, give the customer that sofa. If there isn't a sofa in stock, the MRP system will look at the Bill of Materials- looking at individual materials needed to make the sofa and will order these, factoring in lead times 3. confirm to customer what the lead time is on getting their new sofa, based on delivery time of materials and time to make it.

MRP is a simple system -- it doesn't take into account other business processes and can go wrong due to inaccurate or outdated information.

Advantages of the MRP process include the assurance that materials and components will be available when needed, minimised inventory levels, reduced customer lead times, optimised inventory management, and improved overall customer satisfaction.

Disadvantages to the MRP process include a heavy reliance on input data accuracy (garbage in, garbage out), the high cost to implement, and a lack of flexibility when it comes to the production schedule.


This is business management software which is used to collect, store, manage, and interpret data from many business activities. It uses MRP but also includes other operations such as finance, HR and customer services. Therefore it's more powerful than MRP. Where MRP can tell you how much of something to order and what the lead times are, ERP can also consider how many staff are available each day (by looking at holidays and sickness) and factor this into the manufacturing process. It can also produce accurate financial data, manage customer and supplier relationships.

ERP facilitates information flow between all business functions and manages connections to outside stakeholders. SAP and Oracle are examples of ERP systems. There is also ERP II -- this extends the system to include links with suppliers and supply chain stakeholders

One of the primary advantages of implementing an ERP system is the integration of information across various departments. By providing a unified view of an organization's operations, an ERP system ensures that different functions work with synchronized and consistent data, fostering improved decision-making and collaboration.

Operational efficiency is another significant benefit of ERP systems. Through the automation of routine tasks and streamlined processes, organizations can achieve greater efficiency, reduce manual errors, and enhance overall productivity.

However, one of the primary disadvantages is the high initial implementation costs. Organizations must invest in software licenses, training programs, and customization to align the ERP system with their specific needs. The complexity of ERP systems and potential customization challenges can pose difficulties, requiring expertise and resources for successful implementation.

Resistance to change among employees is a common hurdle when introducing ERP systems. Employees may be hesitant to adopt new processes and technologies, leading to a slower transition period and potential inefficiencies during the learning curve. Organizations also become dependent on ERP vendors for updates, support, and maintenance, and switching vendors can be disruptive and costly.

In conclusion, while MRP and ERP systems offer numerous advantages in terms of operational efficiency, data integration, and strategic planning, organizations must carefully weigh these benefits against the associated challenges. A well-planned and effectively implemented system can contribute significantly to an organization's success, but the decision to adopt such a system should be approached with a thorough understanding of both its advantages and potential drawbacks.

Tutor Notes

- This is a really hard topic if you don't have a manufacturing background. The way I think about it is this- imagine you're Cadbury's and you're coming up to Easter. How much sugar do you need to buy and when do you need to buy it in order to make all your Easter Eggs? Hard question right? Well MRP / ERP is the clever software that figures that all out for you. It will tell you how much sugar needs to be bought on what day, in order for the delivery time to be right for manufacturing. It will consider storage costs and how quickly Easter Eggs get made in the factory. It's honestly so clever. Feel free to use that example in your essay. Examples like that show the examiner you understand the topic.

- Although they're fabulous systems, using MRP and ERP systems doesn't guarantee success- at the end of the day they're just software- the key to success is in the accuracy of the data that's inputted into the systems and how the systems are used. That would make a strong conclusion.

- This is a good simple video that explains the topic: What is Materials Requirement Planning (MRP)? ( I also like watching How Its Made -- a documentary series about factory life. You can find it on BBC Iplayer. If you don't have a manufacturing background it helps give context to some of these dry subjects like MRP and Just-in-Time manufacturing.

- LO 3.4 p. 175

Question #5

What is meant by Stakeholder Mapping? Describe a tool that can be used by a Procurement Professional to map the stakeholders at their organisation (25 points)

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Correct Answer: A

How to approach this question:

- Define stakeholder mapping -- completing an analysis of the stakeholders of an organisation and dividing them into categories depending on certain characteristics. This is often represented visually on a graph or matrix.

- Describe a Stakeholder mapping tool -- the most common tool is Mendelow's Stakeholder Matrix so I would recommend using this one. It is explained in detail in the study guide. However, the question is open so you could choose to describe another tool such as Edgar's Stakeholder Position Analysis if you so wished. You wouldn't be wrong choosing this, but honestly, I'd just go for Mendelow. You can't go wrong with Mendelow. Because the Matrix has 4 sections you can imagine you'd get 5 points for the definition of stakeholder mapping, and 5 points for each of the quadrants of the matrix.

Essay Plan:

Introduction - The reason why stakeholder mapping is important is because interests and expectations of stakeholder groups will be different and possibly conflicting. Mapping this allows an organisation to see the variety and decide on an appropriate management style for each stakeholder group.

Paragraph 1 - Mendelow's Power / Interest Matrix maps stakeholders based on their influencing power and the strength of their motivation to use that power. It uses a 2x2 grid and defines power as high or low and interest and high or low. It then provides four strategies for managing the stakeholders based on which quadrant of the grid the stakeholder falls into. These 4 categories are:

Paragraph 2 - Keep satisfied -- high power but low interest. If the stakeholder becomes dissatisfied or concerned their interest may peak. Examples include regulatory bodies, shareholders, senior management. The best approach is to keep them up to date so they are informed of what is going on, but do not burden them with information they do not need.

Paragraph 3 - Manage Closely -- AKA Key players -- includes major customers, key suppliers, partners, senior management. These stakeholders need to know everything that is going on and approve of what is going on. The recommended strategy is early involvement and participation, and integrating their goals with yours. This group requires regular communication and meetings. You should take their opinions on board.

Paragraph 4- Monitor -- minimum effort required -- this is the low priority group as they have low power and low interest. Includes small volume suppliers and other organisational functions with no direct interest in your activities. This group does not need to receive regular communication.

Paragraph 5 - Keep informed - high interest, but low power. If they're not kept in the loop and understand the need for decisions, they may lobby together to protect their interest if they feel threatened. Employee groups, suppliers and community groups may be in this category. This group should receive regular communication.

Conclusion - Mendelow created the matrix in 1991 and it is still used today. It is a popular management tool due to its simplicity. It's important to notes that stakeholders can move through the matrix- it isn't stagnant. For example, at the beginning of a project a manager in another department may be classed as 'low priority' because they are seen to have no interest and no power in the project. However, as the project progresses the manager may become interested. They will then transfer into the keep informed category. Therefore, the matrix should be redone regularly throughout the lifetime of a project to capture any movements. The matrix should also be redone for each individual project -- it cannot be assumed that a stakeholder who had interest in one project would be interested in another.

Tutor Notes

- The above essay plan is basically the entire essay, I got carried away. The only thing you'd need to add into that is an example of a stakeholder for each of the sections! (e.g. the CEO is high power, but low interest stakeholder for the procurement department. He/ She doesn't care about the day to day operations but should be kept informed of any big news). For your examples you could use your own place of work.

- At level 4 you don't have to analyse the model, you just have to be able to memorise it and repeat it. Mendelow comes up again at Level 5 and 6 in a bit more detail. If you want to score super bonus points you could mention in your conclusion that the main disadvantage of Mendelow's Matrix is that it doesn't take into consideration the stakeholder's position on the project -- whether they're for it or against it. Therefore, it doesn't provide the full picture or provide much help on how to manage stakeholders. E.g. two stakeholders might both be in 'manage closely' section, but one is for the project and the other against -- they'd need to be handled very differently!

- Study guide p. 65

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