Which two of the following constitute part of a common risk assessment or risk evaluation formula?
What is the likelihood of an event occurring?
What will be the impact of that event occurring?
This is the basis of almost all modern risk management.
CIPS has good content at Advanced Diploma level on the subject of Risk Management, and I have prepared tests for the two subjects in this area. :)
Sadgrove's book on business risk, in my view, is excellent; and NN Taleb's work (eg 'Antifragile') on risk, although difficult is, in my opinion, fascinating.
9 months agoDorcas
9 months agoElza
9 months agoEleonora
9 months agoMeaghan
9 months agoDierdre
9 months agoDustin
10 months agoMeaghan
10 months ago