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CIMAPRA19-P03-1 Exam Questions

Exam Name: P3 Risk Management (Online)
Exam Code: CIMAPRA19-P03-1
Related Certification(s): CIMA Professional Qualification Certification
Certification Provider: CIMA
Number of CIMAPRA19-P03-1 practice questions in our database: 275 (updated: Feb. 24, 2025)
Expected CIMAPRA19-P03-1 Exam Topics, as suggested by CIMA :
  • Topic 1: Evaluate the source and impact of reputational risks/ Analyse risks associated with formulating strategy
  • Topic 2: End of topic revision and question practice/ Review cyber security processess
  • Topic 3: Recommend internal controls for risk management/ Analyse Source and Types of Risk
  • Topic 4: Revise and practice questions under exam conditions/ Discuss ways of managing Risks
  • Topic 5: Discuss various issues relating to internal audit in organisations/ Evaluate cyber risk reporting
  • Topic 6: Discuss cyber security tools and techniques/ Analyse internal control systems Explain Governace Risks/ Analyse cyber Threats/ Enterprise Risk
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26 days ago
Passed P3 with flying colors! Pass4Success's exam-like questions were key to my quick preparation.
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1 months ago
Thrilled to announce that I passed the CIMA P3 exam! The Pass4Success practice questions were incredibly helpful. There was a tough question on cyber risk, specifically about the different types of cyber threats and how to mitigate them. I wasn't entirely sure of my answer, but I still made it through.
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2 months ago
CIMA P3 success! Pass4Success provided relevant questions that boosted my confidence. Highly recommend!
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2 months ago
I just passed the CIMA P3 Risk Management exam, and the Pass4Success practice questions were a great resource. One question that I found challenging was about the role of internal controls in preventing fraud and ensuring compliance. I wasn't sure about the most effective controls, but I passed the exam regardless.
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3 months ago
Pass4Success helped me pass P3 in record time. Their focused content made all the difference!
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3 months ago
Excited to share that I passed the CIMA P3 exam! The Pass4Success practice questions were invaluable. There was a difficult question on strategic risk, specifically about identifying and assessing external threats to an organization's strategy. I wasn't completely confident in my answer, but I still passed.
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3 months ago
I passed the CIMA P3 Risk Management exam, and the Pass4Success practice questions were a huge help. One question that puzzled me was about the importance of revising risk management strategies and how often they should be updated. I wasn't entirely sure of the best practices, but I managed to pass the exam.
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4 months ago
Aced CIMA P3 thanks to Pass4Success. Their questions were incredibly similar to the actual exam.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
Happy to announce that I passed the CIMA P3 exam! The Pass4Success practice questions were essential in my preparation. There was a challenging question on enterprise risk management and the key components of an effective ERM framework. I wasn't sure about the best way to integrate ERM into an organization's strategy, but I still passed.
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4 months ago
I successfully passed the CIMA P3 Risk Management exam, thanks to the Pass4Success practice questions. One question that caught me off guard was about the different types of cyber risks and how to prioritize them. I wasn't completely confident in my answer, but I passed the exam nonetheless.
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5 months ago
P3 Risk Management exam conquered! Pass4Success materials were a lifesaver for quick preparation.
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5 months ago
Thrilled to share that I passed the CIMA P3 exam! The Pass4Success practice questions were a lifesaver. There was a tricky question on internal controls, specifically about the COSO framework and its components. I was a bit unsure about how to apply the framework in a given scenario, but I still made it through.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Just want to thank Pass4Success again for their excellent exam preparation materials. They really helped me pass the CIMA P3 Risk Management exam with confidence!
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
I just passed the CIMA P3 Risk Management exam, and I have to say that the Pass4Success practice questions were incredibly helpful. One question that stumped me was about the different types of strategic risk and how they can impact an organization's long-term goals. I wasn't entirely sure about the best approach to mitigate these risks, but I managed to pass the exam regardless.
upvoted 0 times


6 months ago
Just passed the CIMA P3 exam! Thanks Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions. Saved me tons of time!
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8 months ago
Just passed the CIMA P3 Risk Management exam! Be prepared for questions on enterprise risk management frameworks. You might encounter scenario-based questions asking you to identify and assess key risks in a given business situation. Focus on understanding how to apply ERM concepts in practical contexts. Thanks to Pass4Success for their spot-on practice questions that helped me prepare efficiently!
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Free CIMA CIMAPRA19-P03-1 Exam Actual Questions

Note: Premium Questions for CIMAPRA19-P03-1 were last updated On Feb. 24, 2025 (see below)

Question #1

TDC is a company which runs gas-fired power stations in western Europe. The Risk Committee has just received a report that a power station built to the same design and specification in a developing country has recently collapsed. The causes of the collapse are unclear but the consequences for TDC would be catastrophic if something similar were to happen in Europe

Which of the following actions being considered by the Risk Committee are ethical?

Select ALL that apply

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Correct Answer: A, B, C

Question #2

Y Company wishes to recruit an employee who will have responsibility for the receipt and handling of cash

From the point of view of the internal auditor which THREE of the following would be most likely to provide useful information about the candidate"?

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Correct Answer: B, C, E

Question #3

JHG manufactures inexpensive cars that compete largely on price Its cars have very basic equipment and small but economical engines JHG's Board is considering launching a luxury brand of cars that will be far better equipped, more comfortable and have much better performance

Which THREE of the following would be relevant factors to incorporate into the stress testing of this new strategy to create a luxury brand?

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Correct Answer: C, D, F

Question #4

Y Company wishes to recruit an employee who will have responsibility for the receipt and handling of cash

From the point of view of the internal auditor which THREE of the following would be most likely to provide useful information about the candidate"?

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Correct Answer: B, C, E

Question #5

UIO sells mobile phones through a cham of 100 shops spread across the country Shop managers have considerable discretion over pncmg and the incentives offered to sales staff Shop managers are evaluated on the monthly contribution from completed sales. Those who exceed targets by more than 10% for three successive months are promoted Those who fail to achieve monthly targets in two successive months lose their jobs

Which of the following statements are true of the performance management of UIO's shop managers?

Select ALL that apply

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Correct Answer: B, D, E

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