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CIMAPRA19-F03-1 Exam Questions

Exam Name: F3 Financial Strategy
Exam Code: CIMAPRA19-F03-1
Related Certification(s): CIMA Professional Qualification Certification
Certification Provider: CIMA
Number of CIMAPRA19-F03-1 practice questions in our database: 391 (updated: Feb. 17, 2025)
Expected CIMAPRA19-F03-1 Exam Topics, as suggested by CIMA :
  • Topic 1: Discuss the sources and types of financial risks/ Advice on strategic financial objectives
  • Topic 2: Recommend ways of managing financial risks/ Evaluate the capital structure of a firm
  • Topic 3: Evaluate the various valuation methods/ Analyse strategic financial policy decisions
  • Topic 4: Analyse pricing and bid issues/ Discuss the external influences on financial strategic decisions
  • Topic 5: Analyse long-term debt finance/ Discuss post-transaction issues
  • Topic 6: Evaluate equity finance/ Evaluate financial risks/ Evaluate dividend policy
  • Topic 7: Sources of long-term funds/ Financial policy decisions/ End of topic revision and question practice
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17 days ago
Passed CIMA F3 with flying colors. Pass4Success, you're a gem for time-crunched students!
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1 months ago
I passed the CIMA F3 Financial Strategy exam, thanks to Pass4Success. A difficult question I encountered was on financial risks, particularly about currency risk management. I was unsure about the effectiveness of different hedging techniques like forward contracts and options, but I managed to get through it.
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2 months ago
F3 exam success! Couldn't have done it without Pass4Success's relevant practice materials.
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2 months ago
Just passed the CIMA F3 exam, and Pass4Success practice questions were a big help. One question that I found challenging was related to sources of long-term funds, specifically about the pros and cons of issuing convertible bonds. I wasn't entirely clear on the conversion ratio's impact, but I still passed.
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2 months ago
Nailed the CIMA F3 exam! Pass4Success questions were incredibly similar to the real thing.
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3 months ago
I successfully passed the CIMA F3 exam, and Pass4Success was instrumental in my preparation. There was a tough question on financial policy decisions, asking about the trade-offs between liquidity and profitability. I was unsure how to balance these in the context of working capital management, but I made it through.
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3 months ago
Relieved to have passed F3 Financial Strategy. Pass4Success materials were a lifesaver for last-minute prep.
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3 months ago
Thrilled to announce that I passed the CIMA F3 exam, with significant help from Pass4Success. One question that puzzled me was about business valuation, particularly the market-based approach. I wasn't sure how to accurately use comparable company analysis, but I still managed to pass.
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4 months ago
I passed the CIMA F3 Financial Strategy exam, and Pass4Success practice questions were a great help. There was a question on financial risks, specifically about the different types of interest rate risks. I found it difficult to distinguish between repricing risk and basis risk, but I got through it.
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4 months ago
Happy to share that I passed the CIMA F3 exam, thanks to Pass4Success. One challenging question was about sources of long-term funds, particularly the differences between equity financing and debt financing. I wasn't completely confident about the tax implications of each, but I managed to answer it.
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5 months ago
CIMA F3 was tough, but I made it through. Thanks Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions!
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Just cleared the CIMA F3 exam, and Pass4Success was a lifesaver. There was a tricky question on financial policy decisions, asking about the impact of dividend policy on shareholder value. I was a bit unsure about the Modigliani-Miller theorem's application in this context, but I still passed!
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Financial strategy implementation was a key topic. Understand how to align financial decisions with overall corporate strategy. Thanks Pass4Success for the great prep!
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
I recently passed the CIMA F3 Financial Strategy exam, and I must say, the Pass4Success practice questions were incredibly helpful. One question that stumped me was about the different methods of business valuation, specifically the discounted cash flow method. I wasn't entirely sure how to apply the weighted average cost of capital in the calculation, but I managed to get through it.
upvoted 0 times


6 months ago
Just passed the CIMA F3 Financial Strategy exam! Pass4Success really helped me prepare quickly.
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6 months ago
Successfully passing the CIMA F3 Financial Strategy exam was a great accomplishment for me, and I attribute my success to the valuable practice questions provided by Pass4Success. The exam tested my knowledge on topics such as financial risk sources and types, as well as strategic financial objectives. One question that I remember struggling with was about advising on strategic financial objectives, as it required a thorough analysis of a company's financial goals and objectives.
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7 months ago
My experience taking the CIMA F3 Financial Strategy exam was challenging but rewarding. With the assistance of Pass4Success practice questions, I was able to successfully navigate topics like strategic financial objectives and capital structure evaluation. One question that I found particularly tricky was related to recommending ways of managing financial risks, as it required a comprehensive understanding of risk management strategies.
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8 months ago
Just passed the CIMA F3 exam! Be ready for questions on risk management strategies, especially hedging techniques. Focus on understanding how to calculate and interpret Value at Risk (VaR). Thanks to Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions that helped me prepare quickly!
upvoted 0 times


8 months ago
I passed the CIMA F3 Financial Strategy exam with the help of Pass4Success practice questions. The exam covered topics such as sources and types of financial risks, as well as ways of managing financial risks. One question that stood out to me was about evaluating the capital structure of a firm, which required a deep understanding of financial management principles.
upvoted 0 times

Free CIMA CIMAPRA19-F03-1 Exam Actual Questions

Note: Premium Questions for CIMAPRA19-F03-1 were last updated On Feb. 17, 2025 (see below)

Question #1

The Government of Eastland is concerned that competition within its private healthcare industry is being distorted by the dominant position of the market leader, Delta Care. The Government has instructed the industry regulator to investigate whether the industry is operating fairly in the interests of patients.

Which of the following factors might the industry regulator review as part of their investigation?

Select ALL that apply.

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Correct Answer: A, B, D

Question #2

Which THREE of the following statements are true of a money market hedge?

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Correct Answer: A, B, D

Question #3

F Co. is a large private company, the founder holds 60% of the company's share capital and her 2 children each hold 20% of the share capital.

The company requires a large amount of long-term finance to pursue expansion opportunities, the finance is required within the next 3 months. The family has agreed that an Initial Public Offering (IPO) should not be pursued at this time, because it would take up to 12 months to arrange.

The existing shareholders are currently considering raising the required finance from an established Venture Capitalist in the form of debt and equity. The Venture Capitalist has agreed to provide the required finance provided it can earn a return on investment of 25% per year. In addition, the Venture Capitalist requires 60% of the equity capital, a directorship in the company and a veto on all expenditure of a capital or revenue nature above a specified limit.

From the perspective of the family, which of the following are advantages of raising the required finance from the Venture Capitalist?

Select all that apply.

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Correct Answer: A, C

Question #4

Which THREE of the following statements are true of a money market hedge?

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Correct Answer: A, B, D

Question #5

Company ABC's management has noticed that Company BCD has quickly built up a 20% stake by buying shares in Company ABC and are concerned that this is the start of a hostile bid.

This build-up of shares triggers the poison pill provision which automatically converts the rights to buy future preference shares previously issued to existing shareholders in Company ABC to full ordinary shares

What is the most likely impact of the triggering of a poison pill strategy at this stage in the bidding process?

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Correct Answer: D

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