D seems like the most comprehensive option. Covering both the Security Gateway and Security Management should give us a complete picture of what's going on.
Definitely C. The standard VPN debugs, packet captures, and debugs of the 'cvpnd1' process on the Security Gateway are essential for troubleshooting Mobile Access issues.
I think B is the way to go. Capturing the FWD debug logs with the 'fw debug fwd on TDERROR_MOBILE_ACCESS=5' command should give us the information we need.
User 1: I think B is the way to go. Capturing the FWD debug logs with the 'fw debug fwd on TDERROR_MOBILE_ACCESS=5' command should give us the information we need.
D is the correct answer. We need to look at the standard VPN debugs and packet captures on the Security Gateway, as well as the debugs of the 'cvpnd' process on the Security Management.
Hmm, I see your point. But I still think C) Standard VPN debugs, packet captures and debugs of cvpnd1 process on Security Gateway is the most comprehensive option.
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