What kind of information would you expect to see when using the "sim affinity -I" command?
The ''sim affinity -I'' command is a command that displays the affinity distribution of the Security Gateway's interfaces. Affinity distribution is the assignment of CPU cores to handle the traffic from different interfaces. The ''sim affinity -I'' command shows the following information for each interface:
The interface name, such as eth0, eth1, etc.
The interface index, such as 0, 1, 2, etc.
The interface type, such as physical, bond, VLAN, etc.
The interface state, such as up or down
The interface speed, such as 1000 Mbps, 10000 Mbps, etc.
The interface MTU, such as 1500, 9000, etc.
The interface MAC address, such as 00:11:22:33:44:55
The interface IP address, such as,, etc.
The interface affinity mask, such as 0x00000001, 0x00000002, etc. The affinity mask is a hexadecimal value that represents the CPU cores that are assigned to handle the traffic from the interface. For example, 0x00000001 means that only CPU core 0 is assigned, 0x00000003 means that CPU cores 0 and 1 are assigned, and so on.
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