Hah, good point, Justine! I think that's the problem with a lot of these options - they might seem random on the surface, but there could be ways to game the system. I'm not sure there's a perfect solution here.
Personally, I'm leaning towards option B. The block hash is always different, so it seems like a good source of randomness to me. *chuckles* Although I guess if someone can predict the block hash, it wouldn't be so random, would it?
Yeah, Herman's got a point. I think the RANDAO contract is a pretty good solution. It's been used quite a bit in the Ethereum ecosystem, so it must be doing something right.
I'm not so sure about that, Sherill. What about option C, the RANDAO smart contract? I've heard that can be a pretty reliable way to generate random numbers on the blockchain.
I agree with you, Gary. I'm not sure there's an easy answer here. But I think option D might be the most accurate - it's probably not possible to have a completely random number on the Ethereum blockchain.
Hmm, this is an interesting question. I'm not sure how I feel about it, to be honest. Generating a truly random number in a deterministic environment like the Ethereum blockchain does seem like a bit of a challenge.
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