Consider A TAS for testing a desktop application via its GUI. All the test cases of the automated test suite contain the same identical sequences of steps at the beginning (to create the necessary objects when doing a preliminary configuration of the test environment and at the end (to remove everything created --specifically for the test itself during the preliminary configuration of the test environment). All automated test cases use the same set of assertion functions from a shared library, for verifying the values in the GUI fields ( e.g text boxes).
What is the BEST recommendation for improving the TAS?
Consider A TAS for testing a desktop application via its GUI. All the test cases of the automated test suite contain the same identical sequences of steps at the beginning (to create the necessary objects when doing a preliminary configuration of the test environment and at the end (to remove everything created --specifically for the test itself during the preliminary configuration of the test environment). All automated test cases use the same set of assertion functions from a shared library, for verifying the values in the GUI fields ( e.g text boxes).
What is the BEST recommendation for improving the TAS?
26 days agoKarol
1 months agoLuis
2 months agoKaran
2 months agoMyra
3 months agoJesus
3 months agoDalene
3 months agoLai
4 months agoLorrine
4 months agoAsha
4 months agoLindsey
5 months agoDeja
5 months agoJohnathon
5 months agoJosphine
5 months agoTamra
6 months agoCaren
6 months agoMiles
6 months agoJanae
8 months agoPeggy
8 months agoNoel
9 months agoSanda
11 months agoMitsue
11 months ago