ParcelGo is a distribution company. Parcels arrive at its warehouse, where the inbound team use handheld barecode scanners to acknowledge their receipt. Parcels are then loaded onto pallets for onward distribution.
A project as been commissioned to replace the labour-intensive process and introduce a fully-automated system ha reads he barecodes pf parcels as they pass along a coveryor belt, automatically delivering to the correct area of the warehouse for onward distribution.
Staff from the inbound have informed their manager that about 30% of parcels either do not have barcodes, or the barcodes are obscured. The team currently resolves this issue manually. But the concerned that the new automated system will be able to do this. The staff members are also worried the system will make their roles redundant.
Using a holist approach, which element of the POPIT model need further investigation in order to address the team's concerns?
The elements of the POPIT model that need further investigation are people and process. This is because the staff members have raised concerns about the compatibility of the new automated system with the current process of handling parcels without barcodes or with obscured barcodes, as well as the impact of the system on their job security. These concerns relate to the people element, which covers the roles, skills, attitudes, and behaviors of the staff, and the process element, which covers the activities, tasks, and procedures involved in delivering a service or product. Option C is the correct answer.
POPIT Model -- Four View Model | Taking A Holistic Perspective |
Why would a Business Analyst use a consensus Business Activity Model (BAM) in gap analysis?
A consensus BAM is a conceptual model that depicts the agreed view of what the organisation does or should do. It shows the high-level activities and the logical dependencies between them. By comparing the consensus BAM with the current situation, a gap analysis can identify where the organisation is not performing as desired or where there are opportunities for improvement. Therefore, option A is the correct answer.
End users in one business area are unwilling to adopt a new finance management system (recently introduced by the innovation team), as they perceive that it is unnecessarily complicated and not useful. One of the end users in this business area has been very vocal and has been relying support from others since posting about it on the company's intranet homepage.
The introduction finance system was initially supported by senior managers, but now users in other business area are also beginning to question whether they adopt the tool and are raising the issue with their managers.
The sponsor fully supports the decision to go ahead with the now tool and has made il very cleat to senior managers that he expects them to support this Initiative.
Which stakeholder management strategy SHOULD be taken with the senior managers?
The stakeholder management strategy for senior managers should be constant active management. Senior managers have high power and high interest in the project, as they are responsible for overseeing its implementation and ensuring its alignment with organizational goals. They also have influence over other stakeholders, such as end users and employees. Therefore, they need to be regularly engaged, consulted, informed, and involved in decision making throughout the project lifecycle. Option B is the correct answer.
Stakeholder Analysis using the Power Interest Grid -
Power Interest Grid: How to Use, Benefits, Examples - KnowledgeHut
EuroCoach is a holiday coach company that Is reviewing its internal business processes. The following requirement for improvement has been logged as a business rule:
'EuroCoach Is now legally responsible for ensuring that passengers taking cross-border journeys have valid passports and visas (If applicable) tor the countries to which, and through which, they will travel'
Which type of business rule is this?
An external requirement is a business rule that is imposed by an external source, such as a law, regulation, or standard. The business rule in this question is a legal obligation that EuroCoach has to comply with, so it is an external requirement. Option C is the correct answer.
End users in one business area are unwilling to adopt a new finance management system (recently introduced by the innovation team), as they perceive that it is unnecessarily complicated and not useful. One of the end users in this business area has been very vocal and has been relying support from others since posting about it on the company's intranet homepage.
The introduction finance system was initially supported by senior managers, but now users in other business area are also beginning to question whether they adopt the tool and are raising the issue with their managers.
The sponsor fully supports the decision to go ahead with the now tool and has made il very cleat to senior managers that he expects them to support this Initiative.
Which stakeholder management strategy SHOULD be taken with the senior managers?
The stakeholder management strategy for senior managers should be constant active management. Senior managers have high power and high interest in the project, as they are responsible for overseeing its implementation and ensuring its alignment with organizational goals. They also have influence over other stakeholders, such as end users and employees. Therefore, they need to be regularly engaged, consulted, informed, and involved in decision making throughout the project lifecycle. Option B is the correct answer.
Stakeholder Analysis using the Power Interest Grid -
Power Interest Grid: How to Use, Benefits, Examples - KnowledgeHut
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