Hey, is this a trick question? I'm going to go with B) False, because linearity is more about the shape of the relationship, not the accuracy. Though I do wonder if the exam writer is trying to be a little too clever here...
A) True, of course! Linearity is all about the consistent relationship between the input and output of the measurement instrument. It's like a straight line, you know? Easy peasy!
Hmm, I'm not sure about this one. Linearity and accuracy are related, but I don't think they're exactly the same thing. I'll go with B) False, just to play it safe.
Wow, this is a tricky one! I remember learning about linearity in my metrology class. Let's see, I think the answer is B) False. Linearity is more about the proportional relationship between the input and output of the measurement instrument, not accuracy.
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