Service Consumer A sends a request message with a Username token to Service A (1). Service B authenticates the request by verifying the security credentials from the Username token with a shared identity store (2). To process Service Consumer A's request message, Service A must use Services B, C, and D .Each of these three services also requires the Username token (3. 6, 9) in order to authenticate Service Consumer A by using the same shared identity store (4, 7, 10). Upon each successful authentication, each of the three services (B, C, and D) issues a response message back to Service A (5, 8, 11). Upon receiving and processing the data in all three response messages, Service A sends its own response message to Service Consumer A (12). You are asked to redesign this service composition architecture so that it can still carry out the described message exchanges while requiring that Service Consumer A only be authenticated once using the identity store. Which of the following statements describes an accurate solution?
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