How do you quit out of a man page in Terminal Mac?
To quit out of a man page in Terminal Mac, you need to press the q key on your keyboard. A man page is a manual page that shows the usage and syntax of a command or a program. The man command uses a pager program to display the man page on the screen. A pager program is a program that lets you view a text file one page at a time, or scroll up and down. The default pager program for the man command is less, which is a more advanced version of the more program. The q key is the command to quit the less program and return to the shell prompt. The other options, less, clear, and esc, are not valid ways to quit out of a man page in Terminal Mac. Less is the name of the pager program, not a command. Clear is a command to clear the screen, not to quit the pager program.Esc is a key to escape from certain modes or commands, not to quit the pager program.Reference:1How to Exit the MAN Command and Quit Man Pages Properly - OS X Daily2How to escape out of the MAN screen or page in UNIX?- Stack Overflow3How to use the command manual in Terminal | Macworld4How to Quit the MAN Command and Exit Man Pages Properly - Bollyinside
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