ACME Automobile uses Appian to manage their vehicle fleet. Vehicle records can have a status of either "active" or "inactive".
Users are primarily concerned with active vehicles and want to see only those records by default when viewing the Vehicle records list. However, it is important for users to be able to see the unfiltered list of Vehicle records on demand to address occasional auditing requests from managers.
Which configuration supports the desired Vehicle record list behavior?
To achieve the behavior where users see only 'active' vehicle records by default but can also view all records when needed, you should configure a user filter for the status field on the Vehicle record list. This user filter should have a default value set to 'active', which will filter the list to only show active records initially. However, users will still have the option to adjust the filter to see all records, thus accommodating occasional auditing requests. Reference: Appian Documentation - Record List Filters and User Filters
9 months agoRegenia
9 months agoDominga
9 months agoMarguerita
9 months agoRegenia
10 months agoDominga
10 months ago