If Al undertakes routine and monotonous tasks and takes these away from humans, what will humans do?
Al is designed to take on routine and monotonous tasks, freeing up humans to take on more complex, higher value work. This can include tasks such as research, problem-solving, and decision-making. This shift in work roles is expected to increase productivity and efficiency, allowing humans to focus on more creative and innovative tasks. For example, robots can be used to automate mundane manufacturing processes, freeing up human workers to take on jobs that require more creative thinking and problem-solving.
If Al undertakes routine and monotonous tasks and takes these away from humans, what will humans do?
Al is designed to take on routine and monotonous tasks, freeing up humans to take on more complex, higher value work. This can include tasks such as research, problem-solving, and decision-making. This shift in work roles is expected to increase productivity and efficiency, allowing humans to focus on more creative and innovative tasks. For example, robots can be used to automate mundane manufacturing processes, freeing up human workers to take on jobs that require more creative thinking and problem-solving.
If Al undertakes routine and monotonous tasks and takes these away from humans, what will humans do?
Al is designed to take on routine and monotonous tasks, freeing up humans to take on more complex, higher value work. This can include tasks such as research, problem-solving, and decision-making. This shift in work roles is expected to increase productivity and efficiency, allowing humans to focus on more creative and innovative tasks. For example, robots can be used to automate mundane manufacturing processes, freeing up human workers to take on jobs that require more creative thinking and problem-solving.
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