I don't know, option D seems a bit risky to me. Capturing the Marketing Director's requirements in detail without input from others could lead to issues down the line. I'd lean towards option C.
Hey, has anyone tried the new coffee bar yet? I heard they have some killer espresso shots. Anyway, I'd go with option C - it's always a good idea to get everyone on the same page early on.
Option B sounds like a good idea, but I'm not sure it's practical to document every finite detail in the early phases. That could slow down the project.
That sounds like a good compromise. We can capture the Marketing Director's requirements in detail but leave the input of others until later in the project.
I think we should agree to document the finite details of each requirement to ensure the web developers can accurately estimate the effort required to fulfil them.
I think option C is the best choice here. Early discussions to establish a shared understanding of the requirements are crucial for the success of the project.
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