Exam Name: Flutter Certified Application Developer
Related Certification(s): Android Flutter Certified Application Developer Certification
Certification Provider: Android
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of AFD-200 practice questions in our database:
49 (updated: Feb. 28, 2025)
Expected AFD-200 Exam Topics, as suggested by Android :
- Topic 1: Dart Functions & Object-Oriented Programming/ Installing Dart IDE and Writing Dart Program
- Topic 2: Dart Project Structure and Dart Libraries/ Creating a Dart Project Using IntelliJ IDEA
- Topic 3: Providing Constructors for Your Classes/ Android Studio Software Prerequisite
- Topic 4: Create a Small Overtime Payment Program/ Introduction to Flutter and Dart Programming Language
- Topic 5: Run your Flutter App on Android Phone/ Test Your Flutter App on iOS Phone with Windows O.S
- Topic 6: Testing and Feedback for Your App/ Publishing Android App on Google Play Store
- Topic 7: Run your Apps on a Hardware Device (Physical Phone)/ Installing and Configuring Flutter SDK
- Topic 8: Run your Flutter App on IPhone Device/ Navigation and Routing a Pizza Store App
- Topic 9: Creating a Flutter App using BottomNavigatorBar Navigation Technique/ CheckboxGroup and RadioButtonGroup Widgets
- Topic 10: Creating a Flutter App Using Widgets/ RaisedButton, FlatButton, and IconButton
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