The local YMCA is proposing to build a swimming pool next to their existing facility in your medium-sized town. You are a planner and must review the development proposal. The wife of one of the senior planners is the YMCA director. The husband of the planning director is the Chair of the Board of Directors for the YMCA. Everybody on the YMCA board is a family friend to both the senior planner and the planning director. What might you do?
1 months agoTish
2 months agoCorinne
25 days agoLajuana
1 months agoGerman
1 months agoBroderick
2 months agoMicah
2 months agoAudra
2 months agoAugustine
1 months agoEden
1 months agoAnnice
1 months agoChaya
1 months agoAnglea
2 months agoVincent
2 months agoNatalie
3 months agoTina
3 months ago