You are a planner in a community with a new sign ordinance that prohibits banners from being strung across the road. The ordinance was adopted in response to several unattractive advertising banners that had frequently been strung across local roads and often become entangled with electrical wires. On your way to work one morning, you see that a community group has strung a banner across the main street that advertises an upcoming charity event that will generate thousands of dollars for needy families. You know that the money is greatly needed and that local officials and residents support the event. What might be your first reaction?
8 months agoHenriette
6 months agoVeda
7 months agoJustine
7 months agoNickolas
7 months agoNicolette
8 months agoSheridan
8 months agoMiriam
8 months agoTheron
7 months agoEdmond
7 months agoAshlee
8 months agoAllene
9 months agoAshlee
9 months agoIra
9 months agoYuki
8 months agoYolande
8 months agoCarmelina
8 months agoJanine
8 months agoMitsue
8 months agoMarti
8 months agoKing
9 months agoAllene
9 months ago