update an existing AWS CloudFormation stack. If needed, a copy 0t the CloudFormation template is available in an Amazon SB bucket named cloudformation-bucket
1. Use the us-east-2 Region for all resources.
2. Unless specified below, use the default configuration settings.
3. update the Amazon EQ instance named Devinstance by making the following changes to the stack named 1700182:
a) Change the EC2 instance type to us-east-t2.nano.
b) Allow SSH to connect to the EC2 instance from the IP address range
c) Replace the instance profile IAM role with IamRoleB.
4. Deploy the changes by updating the stack using the CFServiceR01e role.
5. Edit the stack options to prevent accidental deletion.
6. Using the output from the stack, enter the value of the Prodlnstanceld in the text box below:
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