Yeah, I was a bit unsure about that one too, Karan. Disaster recovery, on the other hand, is definitely a key part of the security pillar. So I'd eliminate C and go with A, B, and D.
I agree, but I'm not sure about incident reporting. That seems more like it would fall under the reliability or operational excellence pillars. What do you guys think?
Hmm, this question seems to be testing our knowledge of the AWS Well-Architected Framework. I'm pretty confident that the security pillar covers identity and access management, which would include identity federation.
9 months agoKaran
9 months agoLai
9 months agoCasie
9 months agoDominga
8 months agoShannan
8 months agoLinwood
8 months agoJulio
8 months agoPhillip
8 months agoChaya
8 months agoOlene
8 months ago