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AICPA CPA-Auditing Exam Questions

Exam Name: CPA Auditing and Attestation
Exam Code: CPA-Auditing CPA
Related Certification(s): AICPA Uniform CPA Examination CPA Certification
Certification Provider: AICPA
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of CPA-Auditing practice questions in our database: 1025 (updated: Feb. 26, 2025)
Expected CPA-Auditing Exam Topics, as suggested by AICPA :
  • Topic 1: Auditing and Attestation (AUD)
  • Topic 2: Business Environment and Concepts (BEC)
  • Topic 3: Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR)
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22 days ago
Thrilled to have passed the CPA Auditing exam! Pass4Success's practice questions were a game-changer.
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1 months ago
I passed the CPA Auditing and Attestation exam, and the Pass4Success practice questions were very helpful. One question that caught me off guard was about the auditor's ethical responsibilities when dealing with a conflict of interest. I wasn't entirely sure of my answer, but I still passed.
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2 months ago
The AICPA AUD exam was challenging, but I felt well-prepared thanks to Pass4Success. Passed on my first try!
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2 months ago
I recently cleared the CPA Auditing and Attestation exam, and the practice questions from Pass4Success were crucial. A challenging question asked about the procedures for obtaining evidence when dealing with a complex financial instrument. I was unsure of the exact answer, but I passed the exam.
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3 months ago
Pass4Success saved me so much time preparing for the AUD exam. Just passed and feeling grateful!
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3 months ago
Having passed the CPA Auditing and Attestation exam, I can attest to the value of Pass4Success practice questions. There was a difficult question on assessing risk in a client's IT environment. I wasn't sure of the best approach, but I still managed to pass.
upvoted 0 times


3 months ago
I successfully passed the CPA Auditing and Attestation exam, and the Pass4Success practice questions were a big help. One question that puzzled me was about the auditor's responsibility in forming conclusions when there are discrepancies in the financial statements. Despite my uncertainty, I passed the exam.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
Couldn't have passed the CPA Auditing exam without Pass4Success. Their questions were incredibly similar to the real thing!
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
The CPA Auditing and Attestation exam is behind me now, thanks in part to the practice questions from Pass4Success. A memorable question involved the ethical responsibilities of an auditor when encountering potential fraud. I wasn't completely confident in my answer, but I passed nonetheless.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
So grateful for Pass4Success's comprehensive materials. They covered all the key areas and helped me pass the Lili Auditing and Attestation exam with confidence!
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
I passed the CPA Auditing and Attestation exam, and the Pass4Success practice questions were incredibly helpful. One challenging question asked about the procedures for obtaining sufficient audit evidence when dealing with a high-risk client. I was unsure of the exact steps, but I still managed to pass the exam.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
AICPA AUD exam was tough, but I made it! Pass4Success really helped me prepare quickly.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Having just cleared the CPA Auditing and Attestation exam, I can confidently say that the practice questions from Pass4Success were a game-changer. There was a tricky question on how to form conclusions based on audit evidence, particularly when dealing with conflicting information. I wasn't certain about my response, yet I still succeeded.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Thank you, Pass4Success, for providing relevant exam questions that helped me prepare efficiently. Your materials were spot-on and significantly contributed to my success in passing the CPA Auditing and Attestation exam!
upvoted 0 times


6 months ago
I recently passed the AICPA CPA Auditing and Attestation exam, and I must say that the Pass4Success practice questions were instrumental in my preparation. One question that stumped me was about identifying the appropriate risk assessment procedures in the context of a client's internal control environment. I wasn't entirely sure of the answer, but I managed to pass!
upvoted 0 times


6 months ago
Just passed the CPA AUD exam! So relieved. Thanks Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions!
upvoted 0 times


7 months ago
My experience taking the AICPA CPA Auditing and Attestation exam was nerve-wracking, but ultimately rewarding as I passed with flying colors, thanks to Pass4Success practice questions. One question that caught me off guard was related to Auditing and Attestation, specifically about the different types of audit reports and when each should be issued. Despite my uncertainty, I was able to answer the question correctly and pass the exam.
upvoted 0 times


8 months ago
Just passed the CPA Auditing and Attestation exam! Risk assessment was a key topic. Expect questions on identifying and responding to material misstatement risks. Focus on understanding the risk assessment process and its impact on audit planning. Thanks to Pass4Success for providing relevant practice questions that helped me prepare efficiently!
upvoted 0 times


8 months ago
I passed the AICPA CPA Auditing and Attestation exam with the help of Pass4Success practice questions. The exam was challenging, but I felt well-prepared thanks to the practice questions. One question that stood out to me was related to the Business Environment and Concepts topic, specifically about the impact of changes in accounting standards on financial reporting. Despite being unsure of the answer, I managed to pass the exam.
upvoted 0 times

Free AICPA CPA-Auditing Exam Actual Questions

Note: Premium Questions for CPA-Auditing were last updated On Feb. 26, 2025 (see below)

Question #1

Which of the following statements concerning an auditor's communication of significant deficiencies identified during the audit of a nonissuer is correct?

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Correct Answer: B

Choice 'b' is correct. Any report issued on significant deficiencies should indicate that providing assurance on internal control was not the purpose of the audit.

Choice 'a' is incorrect. The auditor should communicate significant deficiencies to management and those charged with governance, but is not required to request a meeting with management one level above the source of the reportable conditions, to discuss suggestions for remedial action.

Choice 'c' is incorrect. Significant deficiencies discovered and communicated at an interim date do not need to be reexamined with tests of controls before completing the engagement.

Choice 'd' is incorrect. Suggestions concerning administration efficiencies and business strategies may be communicated in the same report with significant deficiencies (the significant deficiencies must be separately identified, however).

Question #2

In obtaining an understanding of an entity's internal control in a financial statement audit, an auditor is not obligated to:

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Correct Answer: D

Choice 'd' is correct. When obtaining an understanding of an entity's internal control in a financial statement audit, an auditor is not obligated to search for significant deficiencies in the operation of internal control.

Choice 'a' is incorrect. In order to determine the nature, timing and extent of tests to be performed, an auditor must determine whether the control activities have been implemented.

Choice 'b' is incorrect. An auditor is required to perform procedures to confirm his/her understanding of the internal control systems' design, and to determine whether relevant controls have been implemented.

Choice 'c' is incorrect. An auditor is required to document his or her understanding of the entity's internal control components, even if he or she intends to use a substantive approach.

Question #3

The GAO standards of reporting for governmental financial audits incorporate the AICPA standards of reporting and prescribe supplemental standards to satisfy the unique needs of governmental audits.

Which of the following is a supplemental reporting standard for governmental financial audits?

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Correct Answer: A

Choice 'a' is correct. The auditor's report on compliance and on internal control over financial recording (based on an audit) must include the scope of testing of compliance and internal control.

Choice 'b' is incorrect. Material indications of illegal acts are not only reported to the members of the governing body of the audited entity and their senior staff officials but, in some circumstances, auditors should report illegal acts directly to external parties (such as the grantor agency).

Choice 'c' is incorrect. Although GAO standards require that the auditor communicate information regarding the nature, timing and extent of planned testing to officials of the audited entity and to individuals contracting for the audit, reporting of all changes is not required. (For example, immaterial changes to the audit program need not be reported.)

Choice 'd' is incorrect. Certain privileged or confidential information may be prohibited from general disclosure and should not be included in the audit report. The report should, however, disclose the nature of the information omitted and the requirement that makes an opinion necessary.

Question #4

In obtaining an understanding of an entity's internal control in a financial statement audit, an auditor is not obligated to:

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Correct Answer: D

Choice 'd' is correct. When obtaining an understanding of an entity's internal control in a financial statement audit, an auditor is not obligated to search for significant deficiencies in the operation of internal control.

Choice 'a' is incorrect. In order to determine the nature, timing and extent of tests to be performed, an auditor must determine whether the control activities have been implemented.

Choice 'b' is incorrect. An auditor is required to perform procedures to confirm his/her understanding of the internal control systems' design, and to determine whether relevant controls have been implemented.

Choice 'c' is incorrect. An auditor is required to document his or her understanding of the entity's internal control components, even if he or she intends to use a substantive approach.

Question #5

A limitation on the scope of an auditor's examination sufficient to preclude an unqualified opinion will always result when management:

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Correct Answer: C

Choice 'c' is correct. Management's refusal to furnish a written representation letter constitutes a limitation on the scope sufficient to preclude an unqualified opinion.

Choice 'a' is incorrect. Engaging the auditor after the year-end physical count is completed need not preclude an unqualified opinion if the auditor can apply satisfactory alternative audit procedures.

Choice 'b' is incorrect. Failure to correct a material internal accounting control weakness that had been identified during the prior year's audit need not preclude an unqualified opinion, although it may require the auditor to apply extended auditing procedures.

Choice 'd' is incorrect. Inability to review the predecessor's prior year audit documentation may cause the successor auditor more work but need not preclude an unqualified opinion in the current year.

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