The GAO standards of reporting for governmental financial audits incorporate the AICPA standards of reporting and prescribe supplemental standards to satisfy the unique needs of governmental audits.
Which of the following is a supplemental reporting standard for governmental financial audits?
Choice 'a' is correct. The auditor's report on compliance and on internal control over financial recording (based on an audit) must include the scope of testing of compliance and internal control.
Choice 'b' is incorrect. Material indications of illegal acts are not only reported to the members of the governing body of the audited entity and their senior staff officials but, in some circumstances, auditors should report illegal acts directly to external parties (such as the grantor agency).
Choice 'c' is incorrect. Although GAO standards require that the auditor communicate information regarding the nature, timing and extent of planned testing to officials of the audited entity and to individuals contracting for the audit, reporting of all changes is not required. (For example, immaterial changes to the audit program need not be reported.)
Choice 'd' is incorrect. Certain privileged or confidential information may be prohibited from general disclosure and should not be included in the audit report. The report should, however, disclose the nature of the information omitted and the requirement that makes an opinion necessary.
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