Which of the following opinions is not expressed by auditors as to whether financial statements are expressed fairly in all material respects with respect to generally accepted accounting principles?
Ah, the classic audit opinions. Unqualified, qualified, and disclaimer. Reversal opinion? That's like saying the auditor is going to give you a refund instead of a bill. Good one, whoever wrote this question!
Hmm, let's see... Unqualified, qualified, and disclaimer. Yep, those are the ones I know. Reversal opinion? Sounds like the auditor is trying to be the next David Blaine or something.
Unqualified, qualified, and disclaimer are the standard options. I'm going with D, just to shake things up a bit. Who knows, maybe the auditor is feeling spicy today.
Definitely not D. Reversal opinion? That sounds like a superpower, not an audit opinion. Maybe the auditor wants to go against the grain, but that's not a real thing.
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