Where in the standard report builder can a person use a Wildcard?
In the standard report builder in Workfront, wildcards can be used within filters to create dynamic and flexible report criteria.
Open Report Builder:
Navigate to the Reports area and create or edit a report.
Go to the 'Filter' tab to set up or modify the report filters.
Use Wildcards:
In the filter criteria, you can use wildcards to match patterns or include variables.
For example, you might use * to represent any number of characters or use dynamic variables like {user.ID} to filter based on the current user's ID.
Save the Report:
After setting up the filters with wildcards, save the report to apply the changes.
The usage of wildcards in filters is documented in the Workfront reporting guides and can be confirmed in the advanced reporting training materials (Advanced Reporting - Monique Evans - Code Snippet - June 2, 2020).
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