An implementation consultant needs to configure metadata mapping between Adobe Workfront custom form fields and Adobe Experience Manager metadata properties. Which Iwo types of custom forms can the implementation consultant use to define these mappings? (Choose two)
When configuring metadata mapping between Adobe Workfront custom form fields and Adobe Experience Manager metadata properties, you can use Issue and Document custom forms to define these mappings. These types of forms are commonly used for tracking and managing work items and documents, both of which need to have their metadata synchronized between the two systems.
Issue custom forms: Used for tracking work requests, such as issues or tasks.
Document custom forms: Specifically used for managing metadata related to documents, which can be mapped directly to AEM assets.
Options C (Portfolio) and D (Program) are not typically used for metadata mapping related to assets or documents.
Refer to Workfront Enhanced Connector documentation for more information on mapping custom forms to AEM metadata properties.
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