Which is considered a best practice when building a Smart List?
A Smart List is a powerful query tool that allows you to find people in your database who meet certain criteria based on their attributes and activities1.
To build a Smart List, you need to drag and drop filters from the right panel to the canvas and configure them with the appropriate operators and values1.
There are some best practices to follow when building a Smart List to optimize performance and accuracy2.One of them is to include the @ symbol before the domain name when using the Email Address filter2.
This makes the filter use a faster query that can leverage more effective search algorithms2.For example, instead of usingEmail Address contains gmail.com, you should useEmail Address is @gmail.com2.
Using the @ symbol also helps to avoid false positives, such as matching email addresses that have the domain name as part of the local part2.For example,Email Address contains gmail.comwould matchjane@gmail.comas well asjane@gmail.co.uk, butEmail Address is @gmail.comwould only match the former2.
Therefore, including the @ symbol when using the Email Address filter is considered a best practice when building a Smart List.
1:Creating a Smart List2:Best Practices for Smart Lists
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